Fresh mint is delicious in cookies and baked goods too! Try someMint Rugelach,Cherry Mint Cupcakes, or add some chopped fresh mint to your next batch of chocolate chip cookies. Serve mint with breakfast by adding some fresh chopped mint to vanilla yogurt and berries. Add mint to fruit or f...
Most recipes for chocolate shells use coconut oil. While this recipe works with coconut oil, my taste buds like a mild tasting extra virgin olive oil better. I use extra virgin Everyday Oil fromCalifornia Olive Ranch, but any mild tasting oil will do—or use coconut oil, of course....
I’ve been trying all sorts of vegan ice cream recipes lately, especially to make chocolate chip mint varieties and this recipe was very interesting to me because the texture, I find, is the closest to that correct ‘creamy’ texture and it seems to freeze the right way too. The only pr...