举一个刚刚看到的例子,中译本第239页,Jaccard距离那一小节有句话【A和B而不是C更接近】,英文原文为【Thus, A appears closer to Cthan to B.】,真是把我看懵笔了
Mining of Massive Datasets 作者: Jure Leskovec / Anand Rajaraman / Jeffrey David Ullman 出版社: Cambridge University Press副标题: 2nd Edition出版年: 2014-12-29页数: 476定价: USD 75.99装帧: HardcoverISBN: 9781107077232豆瓣评分 8.8 22人评价 5星 59.1% 4星 36.4% 3星 4.5% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% ...
本来是计划读英文版《Mining of Massive Datasets》的,但看到打折,而且译者在序言中信誓旦旦地说翻译的很用心,就买了中文的。结果读了第一章就读不下去了,中文表述太烂了,很多句子让人产生无限歧义,磕磕绊绊,叫人生厌。因此决定再次放弃这样的中文翻译书。
网络大数据;数据挖掘 网络释义
CS246: Mining Massive Data Sets (Stanford / Winter 2019) vpromise 1906 4 【Coursera】week7:海量数据挖掘 Mining of Massive Datasets (MMDS)(英文字幕) hcbbt 267 0 【Coursera】week1:海量数据挖掘 Mining of Massive Datasets (MMDS)(英文字幕) hcbbt 2957 3 【斯坦福大学】CS246 大数据挖掘 · ...
斯坦福大学关于海量数据的挖掘的免费教材《MiningofMassiveDatasets》Mining of Massive Datasets Anand Rajaraman Kosmix,Inc.Jeffrey D.Ullman Stanford Univ.Copyright c 2010,2011Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey D.Ullman
挖掘海量数据集斯坦福大学mining massive datasets standford.pdf,Mining of Massive Datasets Leskovec, Rajaraman, and Ullman Stanford University For cosine distance, there is a technique analogous to minhashing for generating a (d ,d ,(1-d /180),(1-d /180))-
The popularity of the Web and Internet commerce provides many extremely large datasets from which information can be gleaned by data mining. This book focuses on practical algorithms that have been used to solve key problems in data mining and which can be used on even the largest datasets. It...
挖掘海量数据集斯坦福大学mining massive datasets standford.pdf,Mining of Massive Datasets Leskovec, Rajaraman, and Ullman Stanford University ¡ Consider user x ¡ Find set N of other x users whose rangs are “similar” to x’s rangs N ¡
A common approach is to store a sliding window of each stream in the working store. A sliding window can be the most recent n elements of a stream, for some n, or it can be all the elements that arrived within the last t time units, e.g., one day. ...