Traveler's Backpack [Click for Fabric] a Minecraft mod, which adds unique backpacks. The mod is a successor of JavierDarkona's Adventure Backpack and since 1.16 all textures have been completely remade to fit the new style. Furthermore, functionality of backpack has been expanded by ...
To reset backpack upgrades and settings, place the backpack on the ground and Shift + Right-click while holding a Blank Upgrade in your hand. Chestplate or backpack? Why not both? (Trinkets integration! 1.17+) Traveler's backpack doesn't need any empty armor slot (or other slot, unless ...
旅行者背包 Traveler’s Backpack Mod由探索者背包发展而来,目前已经加入了探索者背包所有的样式,在未来的发展中,会加入更多探索者背包的实用内容。 mod特点 背上背包后,默认按B键能够打开背包界面。 旅行者背包提供了45个物品格与2个流体储液罐,每个储液罐可以储存4桶液体。
Traveler’s Backpack Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 is an outstanding creation that can easily be considered a delight for all the Minecraft community. Honestly, this tool is inspired by one of the famous mod called Adventure Backpack. But since it is not updating for the upcoming version, then this...
Traveler’s Backpack is a handy tool that adds about 45 extra inventory slots including tanks to hold liquids. All you need to do is craft it and either place it on the ground and hold shift while right-clicking it with an empty hand or hold the backpack in your hand, hit B and then...
The soul stays until used and allows some enchants like magic scroll/tablet, or upgrade the grave's key. Dark and white graves has no difference for the gameplay (as the chosen model). To build a decorative grave, you will need to collect Grave's Dust (the common way to obtain them ...
🔧 /tb access <playerName> - let's player access Traveler's Backpack at given player's back🔧 /tb remove <playerName> - removes backpack from given player's back🔧 /tb clear <playerName> - clears contents of backpack at given player's back🔧 /tb restore <playerName> <backpack...
You are allowed to use this mod in public/private modpacks. I do not allow anyone to repost mod on other sites without my permission or link to this CurseForge page. Localization If you want to help translate Traveler's Backpack to other languages, you can do it here:Localazy!
🔧 Backpack inventory is dynamically rendered now 🔧 If backpack has data present it'll read that data, if not it will create default data that is set in config 🔧 Shift Right-click with Blank Upgrade on Backpack will reset it to default settings ...
IF GAME CRASHES, DELETE TRAVELER'S BACKPACK CONFIGCurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons! Games All games Minecraft World of Warcraft The Sims 4 Starcraft II Kerbal Space Program Minecraft Dungeons World of Tanks Create ...