我的世界基岩版1.20.80发布 1.20.80是基岩版的一次次要更新,发布于2024年4月23日。此次更新加入了犰狳、犰狳鳞甲、狼铠和狼的新变种,同步了一些Java版的特性,并修复了一些漏洞。 新内容 物品 犰狳鳞甲 由犰狳自然掉落或使用刷子刷扫成年犰狳掉落,可用于合成和修复狼铠。 刷怪蛋 加入了犰狳刷怪蛋。 狼铠 对已...
[EO] 艾玛的起源 (Emma's origins) 矮人诸国 (Dwarven Realm) 矮人矿工 (Dwarf Miner Totem) [SAK] 瑞士军刀 (SwissArmyKnife) 爱屋及呜 (Love me love my wolf) [GoA] 爱丽丝的魔法书 (Grimoire of Alice) 爱丽丝人偶 (Alice's Doll) 暗黑附魔 (Dark Enchanting) 暗黑羊 (Nether Sheep) [DL] 暗黑破...
If you want to get started, I suggest visiting the wiki of the mod on GitHub: https://github.com/apace100/origins-fabric/wiki Community There are a lot of enthusiasts of the mod and people who make data packs on the Discord! There are channels for discussion, posting origin ideas, shari...
↑ https://twitter.com/notch/status/76378826137018369 ↑ http://notch.tumblr.com/post/227922045/the-origins-of-minecraft ↑ http://www.minecraft.net/game ↑ wordofnotch:107315028 ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9t3FREAZ-k ↑ http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0001.html ↑...
1.21.1: Origins-1.13.0-alpha.12 Byeggohito AlphaA Jan 22, 2025 4.43 MB 16.4K 1.21.1 Fabric File Name Origins-1.13.0-alpha.12+mc.1.21.1.jar Supported Versions 1.21.1 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "cur...
Fabric API | Origins | Origins Extra Keybinds Intended to contribute to Minecraft's combat system, along with adding features that feel a bit more unique than the regular Origins that are out there, with types falling under the aspects. [ ! ] Currently, as this project is new, it is ope...
Fabric API|Origins|Origins Extra Keybinds Intended to contribute to Minecraft's combat system, along with adding features that feel a bit more unique than the regular Origins that are out there, with types falling under the aspects. [ ! ] Currently, as this project is new, it is open to...
Powers are now data-driven!Create your own passive and active powers for truly unique new origins! Modify existing powers to fit your desires - change cooldowns or values to balance the game in the way you like. Refer to thewikifor more information and examples. ...
英文Minecraft Wiki已决定搬迁至RuneScape Wiki 英文Minecraft Wiki社区已决定搬迁(Fork)至RuneScape Wiki。其中的原因简单来说就是,Wiki所属平台Fandom所做的种种决定在伤害着包括MCW在内的各个Wiki,包括强推FandomDesktop皮肤、投放大量广告、管理权限削弱等诸多原因,导致积怨已久。
Minecraft Wiki启用新版Logo 前些天微软通知Wiki停止合作,Wiki失去官方称谓,不能使用Minecraft官方元素作为其Logo(图二为旧版)