我的世界生命起源(Origins)Mod 生命起源(Origins)Mod是Fabric mod,这意味着它需要Fabric Loader和Fabric API才能运行。 装载此mod后,你可以选择一个生物并以特殊能力开始您的游戏,其中一些能力可以帮助您,而另一些则可以阻碍您的游戏。 强烈推荐使用此mod在服务器中与小伙伴们一起游玩。 选择不同的生物会对游戏产生...
Addons designed for the fabric version of the mod will not work with the forge version. Datapacks designed for the fabric version should work, if one doesn't, please report it as a bug. Addons All addons for Origins Forge are listedhere....
24 origins(9 are experimental community ideas), each with differentadvantagesanddisadvantages, each very unique and adding a completely different way to play the game Hello there!I really hope you are having a wonderful day and I hope playing this mod can make it a little bit better! :D ...
This project has been discontinued, it will no longer receive updates. This is an unofficial forge port of theOriginsmod for fabric. Please support the original work. This mod is designed with feature parity with the fabric version in mind. As such, no content will be added or removed from...
Don't reupload this addon elsewhere (however, posting custom origins you make is fine as long as you give credit to Apace for the mod and me for the addon), do not claim the addon as your own, and give credit if you use this addon on a server, on a realm, with friends, for a...
If you want to get started, I suggest visiting the wiki of the mod on GitHub: https://github.com/apace100/origins-fabric/wiki Community There are a lot of enthusiasts of the mod and people who make data packs on the Discord! There are channels for discussion, posting origin ideas, shari...
Minecraft Origins Mod Server Installation Installing the Origins mod on yourfabric serveris as easy as ever! Navigate to yourApex Server Panel Scroll to the “JAR File” section, then search for Fabric. Once chosen, restart the server to load the files. ...
起源:职业(Origins: Classes)Mod是模组起源Origins的官方扩展 同样也是一个Fabric Mod 这个扩展可以让你在选择种族时选择职业! 以下是可用的职业: 弓箭手:你的箭矢更精确,使用弓时你的速度更慢 驯兽师:你驯服的动物获得永久性的额外血量和伤害;当你喝了药剂时,效果也适用于附近被驯服的动物 铁匠:你制造的工具和...
群峦传说:次世代 TerraFirmaCraft: The Next Generation Mod由作者“Dries007”所制作。 TerraFirmaCraft: The Next Generation是群峦传说的 1.12+ 版本,内… 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.20.1-1.18.2 Origins Randomiser Mod下载 2023年8月17日MOD大全0