These numbers and mobs are subject to change! Especially for modpack-makers, this mod is highly-configurable. The Surge gain, cost, wich abilities a player has actially access to, max stored surge and much more can all be configured in the config! Pictures: More info can be found on the...
[14:01:53] [Client thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader, FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge, FMLFileResourcePack:bspkrsCore, FMLFileResourcePack:CraftGuide, FMLFileResourcePack:NegoreRouse, FMLFileResourcePack:Inventory Tweaks, FMLFileResourcePack:Xaero'...
UCHIJAAnegorerouse{1.0.0} [NegoreRouse] (你个骡子.jar) UCHIJAAstredgeuniverse{1.0.5} [Stredge Universe:The end of all things. Endless stars] (宇宙最强之刃——万物终结无尽星空0.02.jar) GL info: ~~ERROR~~ RuntimeException: No OpenGL context found in the current thread.Profiler Position:...
Falling leaves mod Visual Workbench Real Camera Mod Transmog Snow Under Trees Immersive Weathering [FORGE] Gore and More physics mod subtle effects Audio: Sound Physics Remastered Immersive Melodies --- Recipe viewers: JEI and addons --- Tooltips: Jade Retro Damage Indicators What Are They Up To...
You can create creepy scenes in horror maps, add ambience to adventure maps, or just scare unsuspecting friends in your worlds. The pack includes: 3 Corpse variations 3 Skeleton variations Hung Corpse Drowned Corpse Staked Corpse Nailed Corpse ...
goreacraft / MinecraftForge GoryMoon / MinecraftForge GotoLink / MinecraftForge gpergrossi / MinecraftForge grandconjuration / MinecraftForge grapereader / MinecraftForge gravityfox / MinecraftForge gravitytrope / MinecraftForge gregorybloom / MinecraftForge grim3212 / MinecraftForge ...
UCHIJANegoreRouse{1.0.0} [NegoreRouse] (SlashBlade-NegoreRouse-r1vI.jar) UCHIJAflammpfeil.slashblade.splight{r5} [SlashBlade-SPLight] (SlashBlade-SPLight-r5.jar) UCHIJAslashblade.yukari{mc1.7.10-r2} [Slashblade-yukari] (Slashblade-yukari-mc1.7.10-r2.jar) UCHIJASmartMoving{15.6} [Smart Moving...
UCHIJAAAA NegoreRouse{1.0.0} [NegoreRouse] ([伪刃2]SlashBlade-NegoreRouse-r2vL.jar) UCHIJAAAA Pseudo{1.0.0} [Pseudo] ([伪刃]SlashBlade-PseudoEdge-mc1.7.10-r11.jar) UCHIJAAAA AgriCraft{1.7.10-1.5.0} [AgriCraft] ([农业工艺]AgriCraft.jar.jar) UCHIJAAAA Torcherino{2.2s} [Torcheri...
the lighting effects work just fine and the world is even a little brighter than usual thanks to the new textures. Some images really benefit from this pack too, like the zombie mobs which are now covered in gore and look ready to rip the player to pieces, or the stained glass blocks ...
UCHIJAAAA uniskinmod{1.2-dev4} [Universal Skin Mod] (minecraft.jar)UCHIJAAAA InputFix{1....