An attempt to make a nicer-to-use builder's wand. Items Stone Builder's Wand Cheap and dirty wand. It Can only place 5 blocks at a time Can only place blocks horizontally Can only place about 130 blocks in its lifetime. Iron Builder's Wand A little bit better. It Can place 9 bloc...
The Better Builder’s Wands mod has been created to act as a kind of replacement to the already existing Builder’s Wand that can be implemented into Minecraft through the extra utilities mod. The purpose of the original wand was to make building tasks more straightforward and simple by allowi...
超级建造者魔杖在Minecraft中增加了四个不同的魔杖,因此您可以根据自己的喜好和需要选择一种。最便宜的是Stone Builder的魔杖,而最昂贵的是Unbreakable Builder的魔杖。较便宜的魔杖只能同时放置有限的块,但是最昂贵的魔杖实际上可以在任何位置放置完整的块的库存,也不会破坏。当然,重要的是要注意,获得最昂贵的魔杖可...