1 在百度上搜索Spawn-Chunk -Reader并点击进入网页页面 2 在左上角的open 导入你save 中世界存档的level.data, 点击打开。3 就会在图标上显示出生点和区块信息,如图示。作弊码修改法 1 按esc键进入页面,点击"局域网开放”,允许作弊码打开,然后点击“创建一个局域网世界”2 返回界面,按T键,弹出对话框,在...
spawn的意思是设置此地为主城 所以,每个人都会出生在主城 不过,你只要多加几个生存服(如生存服1、生存服2、生存服3...)这样,你就可以建筑一个登录大厅,这样其他玩家(包括你)都会在登录大厅登录了(但是spawn不能在登录大厅那,要在生存服的出生点)setworldspawn [x] [y] [z] 就是设...
【Minecraft】僵尸之歌:“spawn” 2023-03-26 10:47:16163 游戏 单机游戏 二次元 游戏解说 娱乐分类 切换-音频 00:00:00/ 00:00:00 高清 猜你喜欢 1.8万 Minecraft by:鹰之子 7052 minecraft by:FeverXsword 2138 Minecraft by:VNMonkeyKing 1442
spawn_method born String Method to use to spawn the entity. spawn_sound plop String Identifier of the sound effect to play when the entity is spawned. Example Spawning an entity JSON 複製 "minecraft:spawn_entity":{ "entities": [{ "filters": [ {"test":"...
Spawn is a mod that plants to add more animals to the game, and with them new blocks, mechanics and even biomes! Expect all kinds of critters from small to big now roaming your Minecraft world Mod-loader, Version and Config This mod is being developed for Fabric and Forge. No backports...
Spawn Items Only safe IDs may be used, numbers are automatically checked against Bukkit's enums. Stacks can be created in any amount, even over 64 Phantom items can be created, that cannot be picked up (trolling players with fake diamonds...) ...
minecraft spawn Details Type:Bug Resolution:Duplicate Fix Version/s:None Affects Version/s:Minecraft 1.7.5 Labels: None Environment: [22:34:37 INFO]: Minecraft Launcher 1.3.10 (through bootstrap 5) started on osx... [22:34:37 INFO]: Current time is Mar 6, 2014 10:34:37 PM [22:34...
[img pic_type= width= height=]file:///C:\Users\win 7\Documents\Tencent Files\1779813822\Image\C2C\Image1\E}FJQ5P7](CYSCK0F`N2[IN.png[/img]权限组没问题 OP也不能使用spawn的指令 只有admin权限组可以使用 求大神提示 送TA礼物 1楼2016-08-03 19:45回复 ...
命令/spawnpoint spawnpoint [< 玩家(基岩版:player: target)(可选) 指定被更改出生点的玩家。必须是一个玩家名或目标选择器。如果没有指定,默认为命令执行者。在命令方块中为必需参数。 坐标(基岩版:spawnPos: x y z)(可选) 指定玩家新的出生点的坐标。x和z必须在-30,000,000到30,000,000之间(含)。