sdkconfig.defaults.esp32s3 fit the memory usage for esp32c3 Nov 29, 2024 add power save timer Nov 19, 2024 Repository files navigation README License 小智AI 聊天机器人 这是虾哥的第一个硬件作品。 👉 ESP32+SenseVoice+Qwen72B打造你的AI聊天伴侣!【bilibili】 👉 手工打造你的 AI...
32 files changed, 6514 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-) create mode 100644 author/ashokkumar/index.html create mode 100644 category/entrepreneur/index.html create mode 100644 how-to-host-website-in-github/index.html create mode 100644 how-to-update-custom-domain-to-your-github-hosted-site/index...
方案是为解决特定问题或达成特定目标而制定的一系列计划或步骤。它的作用是提供一种系统性的方法,以有效地应对挑战、优化流程或实现目标。以下是方案的主要作用: 问题解决: 方案的核心目标是解决问题。通过系统性的规划和执行,方案能够分析问题的根本原因,提供可行的解决方案,并引导实施过程,确保问题得到合理解决。
I’ve received several requests for updates on the V2 hardware. I’ve had a breadboard version of the V2 sitting on my desk for months. I haven’t yet found the advantages of the ESP8266 processor enticing enough to make new PCBs and deal with the new headaches that will come with tryi...
integrity sha1-wNWmOycYgArY4esPpSachN1BhF4= punycode@^2.1.0: version "2.1.1" resolved "" integrity sha512-XRsRjdf+j5ml+y/6GKHPZbrF/8p2Yga0JPtdqTIY2Xe5ohJPD9saDJJLPvp9+NSBprV...
Checklist 1. I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help. 2. The bug has not been fixed in the latest version. 3. Please note that if the bug-related issue you submitted lacks corresponding environment info and a mini...
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parinessthiveeeoxrpprehsyssivioeloogricpahlyssiigonloaglsiccaalussiegdnablys hcauumseadn abffyehcutimona,nanaaffleyczteiotnh,easniganlyazles athnedsrieglnataelds adnadtar,eidlaetnedtifdyatthae, ihduemntaifnyatffheechtiuonm,aanndaffifencatilolyny, iaenldd pfirnoaplleyr ...
(SCWT) aerobic exercise (brisk walking) Learning and memory (CAVLT) 68 3 × 50 min/week, TC C2: 3 × 60 min/week, social interaction (lively 40 weeks Language (BNT) Executive function (TMT) discussion with each other) Visuospatial ability (CDT) C3: no intervention Executive function (...