Military Time Chart Military TimeRegular Time (AM)Military TimeRegular Time (PM) 00:00 12:00 AM 12:00 12:00 PM 01:00 1:00 AM 13:00 1:00 PM 02:00 2:00 AM 14:00 2:00 PM 03:00 3:00 AM 15:00 3:00 PM 04:00 4:00 AM 16:00 4:00 PM 05:00 5:00 AM 17:00 5:00 PM...
Below this, you will see our military time zone chart so you can quickly compare times and timezones! Sometimes military time is referred to as “24 Hour Time” and this system eliminates the need for “am” and “pm”. Because of the simple time concepts used it allows for less ...
Reading Military Time is similar to 24-hour clock but takes a little knowledge on key points: Military Time starts at 0000. This means 0030 is actually 12:30am 00:00 is midnight on the 24 hour system and starts a new day. This means until we reach the first hour (1:00), all ...
e.g. 12:37am changes to 00:37 Otherwise Military time is the same as Standard time. Remember to add the preceding zero if the hour is less than 10. Remove the "am" label. If the hour in standard time is a "pm" time: If the hour is 12pm, then it stays the same. ...
24 hour time– Easy 24 hour clock chart Military TimeRegular TimeMilitary TimeRegular Time 01001:00 AM13001:00 PM 02002:00 AM14002:00 PM 03003:00 AM15003:00 PM 04004:00 AM16004:00 PM 05005:00 AM17005:00 PM 06006:00 AM18006:00 PM ...
So, 1:00 am equals 01:00. What Is Military Time? Military time is aformat for expressing timebased on the 24-hour clock. It uses a special notation and pronunciation geared towardclarity and conciseness. Although it is often used as a synonym for the 24-hour clock, and the two are cl...
24-Hour Format: Military time eliminates the need for a.m. and p.m. by using a 24-hour clock, where hours range from 00 to 24. Four-Digit Representation: First Two Digits: Indicate hours passed since midnight.Last Two Digits: Represent minutes past the hour.Midnight and Noon:...
If time is AM, keep the hour the same with the exception of 12 AM which will be 00. if time is PM, add 12 to the hour with the exception of 12 PM which will be 12 (not AM nor PM) Examples: 12:15 AM is 0015 because 12 AM converts to 0 hours 07:35 AM is 0735 bec...
How is military time written - AM hours After reaching noon, add the first 12 hours of the day to each of the 12-hour clock times to get the military time: 1300 – 1 p.m. 1400 – 2 p.m. 1500 – 3 p.m. 2100 – 9 p.m. 2200 – 10 p.m. 2300 – 11 p.m. 2315 – 11...
0010 in Military Time Conversion Chart Click the clock. Select 0010. We'll highlight the row for 12:10 AM. Morning Hour Chart Military TimeRegular Time24-Hour Time 000012:00 AM00:00 010001:00 AM01:00 020002:00 AM02:00 030003:00 AM03:00 ...