12-hour am-pm clock24-hour military time 12:00 midnight00:00 1:00 am01:00 2:00 am02:00 3:00 am03:00 4:00 am04:00 5:00 am05:00 6:00 am06:00 7:00 am07:00 8:00 am08:00 9:00 am09:00 10:00 am10:00 11:00 am11:00 ...
24 hour time– Easy 24 hour clock chart Military TimeRegular TimeMilitary TimeRegular Time 01001:00 AM13001:00 PM 02002:00 AM14002:00 PM 03003:00 AM15003:00 PM 04004:00 AM16004:00 PM 05005:00 AM17005:00 PM 06006:00 AM18006:00 PM ...
Use our military time converter to convert between standard 12-hour time and 24-hour time. Plus, learn more about military time conversion.
Military Time Chart Military TimeRegular Time (AM)Military TimeRegular Time (PM) 00:00 12:00 AM 12:00 12:00 PM 01:00 1:00 AM 13:00 1:00 PM 02:00 2:00 AM 14:00 2:00 PM 03:00 3:00 AM 15:00 3:00 PM 04:00 4:00 AM 16:00 4:00 PM 05:00 5:00 AM 17:00 5:00 PM...
070007:00 AM07:00 080008:00 AM08:00 090009:00 AM09:00 100010:00 AM10:00 110011:00 AM11:00 Afternoon Hour Chart Military TimeRegular Time24-Hour Time 120012:00 PM12:00 130001:00 PM13:00 140002:00 PM14:00 150003:00 PM15:00
090009:00 AM09:00 100010:00 AM10:00 110011:00 AM11:00 Afternoon Hour Chart Military TimeRegular Time24-Hour Time 120012:00 PM12:00 130001:00 PM13:00 140002:00 PM14:00 150003:00 PM15:00 160004:00 PM16:00 170005:00 PM17:00
Quickly and easily read or convert military time with our Standard Time to Military Time conversion chart and military time converter tool.
To convert military time to universal time, simply subtract 12 from any hours past noon. For example, 2200 hours would be 22 - 12= 10, so that would be 10:00 p.m. Is military time on a 12-hour or 24-hour format? Military time runs on a 24-hour clock which begins at midnight ...
e.g. 12:37am changes to 00:37 Otherwise Military time is the same as Standard time. Remember to add the preceding zero if the hour is less than 10. Remove the "am" label. If the hour in standard time is a "pm" time: If the hour is 12pm, then it stays the same. ...
Easily switch between military and regular time with our converter. Effortlessly convert in both directions - 24-hour and AM/PM formats.