Whole health solutions for warfighter and family readiness Optimizing human performance in the military—through a bio-behavioral, holistic approach that includes research and performance data, analytics, and technology—increases force readiness and improves decision-making. This also provides a better qual...
I still remember the first Family Readiness Group dinner that I attended after getting engaged to my husband. Most of the women in attendance were either pregnant, shepherding fairly young children, or both, and I barely... For those of you who are up on your U.S. military history, you...
Family Readiness Group helps military families at homeBen Calwell
Essential baby items Postpartum support and continuity of care Baby blankets and quilts Military Families Ministry https://militaryfamiliesministry.com/support-for-families Baby blankets and quilts are sent to family readiness groups (FRGs) to distribute to expectant mothers whose husbands are ...
How do family members handle the emotional stress of knowing their loved one is far from home and possibly in harm's way? The most important thing service members can do for themselves and their families prior to a deploy- ment is to be prepared, arming him or herself with as much ...
Discover thescience of better sleepand how it impacts your daily life Learnpractical techniquesto promote relaxation and restfulness Experience abeginner-friendly yoga sessionfollowed by deep relaxation Participants interested in the yoga session should bring their own mat. ...
With two daughters whose two parents served on active duty in the Marine Corps, our family knows firsthand the challenges military families face.We appreciate how hard deployments can be on a family, especially on children who, in many ways, grew up making sacrifices for the good of the nati...
Family Readiness Groups A Family Readiness Group is a command-sponsored organization of family members, volunteers, Soldiers and civilian employees associated with a particular unit. They provide activities and support to enhance the flow of information, increase the resiliency of unit Soldiers and their...
Month of the Military Family!A parent’s guide to effective communication strategies to help improve listening and connection between the parent and child(ren). It guides adults in understanding communication styles and focuses on positive and constructive ways to build strong relationships that are es...