用户可能会遇到 Enter 和 backspace 键未在列表中执行其预期功能的问题,从而阻止用户退出列表。状态:正在调查 Word团队当前正在调查此问题,并在更多信息可用时更新本文。更多资源 询问专家 与专家联系,讨论 Word 最新资讯、更新和最佳做法,并阅读我们的博客。 Word 技术社...
Word我們已修正文件顯示為已儲存而非離線工作的問題。 已解決尺規不會在 RTL 版面配置中顯示單位編號或縮排的問題。 已解決使用 Office 部署工具部署的喜好設定未正確設定的問題。 日文預設字元和段落屬性會還原回預設字型大小 10.5pt.、預設段落 Space After 為 0,行距還原為 Single。
When working in a protected template the user can type in the designated areas but when it they attempt to hit the backspace key, sometimes it will allow them to but often it won't. They have to use the arrow key to move back one letter and then the backspace works fine in t...
解决了以下问题:尝试使用 Draft 和 Copilot 引用文件时,出现错误“Copilot 无法将此文件应用正确的敏感度标签,因为它无法处理引用的内容。 解决了在文档中打开修订并进行更改时导致交叉引用列表中缺少脚注编号的问题。 解决了 Enter 键和 Backspace 键未在列表中执行其预期功能,从而阻止用户退出列表的问题。版本...
When you try to delete text in a document in Microsoft Word 2002 or in a later version of Microsoft Word by using the BACKSPACE key, the BACKSPACE key does not function as expected. That is, the BACKSPACE key does not delete the text. ...
Backspace 键 VK_CLEAR 0C Clear 键 VK_RETURN 0D Enter 键 VK_PAUSE 13 Pause 键 VK_CAPITAL 14 Caps Lock 键 VK_PRIOR 21 Page Up 键 VK_NEXT 22 Page Down 键 VK_END 23 End 键 VK_HOME 24 Home 键 VK_LEFT 25 向左键 VK_UP
A–Z word list and term collections Term collections Numbers and symbols A B back end, back-end back up, backup backbone backspace backtab badge baseline baud beep below beta bi- big data big-endian, little-endian billion, B bio bitmap bits per second black box black hat hacker blacklist...
But it is locked and basically no solution was received. The situation is similar here, we are using WORD ONLINE for the option to work together so "track changes" on. we are using right to left language (Hebrew) and then when clicking on backspace or Del key we expe...
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll 删除折叠的选定内容(即一个插入点)前面的字符。 C# publicvoidTypeBackspace(); 注解 如果选定内容没有折叠为一个插入点,则删除选定内容。 本方法与 Backspace 的功能相同。 适用于 产品版本 Word primary interop assemblyLatest ...