ParagraphMarkRunProperties.Deleted Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing Assembly: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll Package: DocumentFormat.OpenXml v3.0.1 Deleted Paragraph. Represents the following element tag in the schema: w:del. C# 複製 public...
指定Microsoft Word 是否要根据表格单元格的内容自动调整其大小("自动调整"功能)。 WdDeleteCells 指定要用删除单元格操作从表格中删除的单元格区域,或删除后剩余单元格的行为。 WdDeletedTextMark 指定启用更改跟踪时删除的文本的格式。 WdDiacriticColor 指定是否向双向语言或拉丁样式语言的音调符号应用不同的颜色。
private void BookmarkListFormat() { this.Paragraphs[1].Range.InsertParagraphBefore(); Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Bookmark bookmark1 = this.Controls.AddBookmark(this.Paragraphs[1].Range, "bookmark1"); bookmark1.Text = "This is sample bookmark text." + "\n" + "This is the s...
以新的段落取代Bookmark控制項。 命名空間:Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word 組件:Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word (在 Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.dll 中) 語法 C# 備註 如果您不想取代Bookmark控制項,請在使用這個方法之前先使用Collapse方法。InsertParagraphAfter方法會在Bookmark控制項之後插入新的段落。
privatevoidBookmarkUnderline(){this.Paragraphs[1].Range.InsertParagraphBefore(); Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Bookmark bookmark1 =this.Controls.AddBookmark(this.Paragraphs[1].Range,"bookmark1"); bookmark1.Text ="This is sample bookmark text."; bookmark1.Words[3].Underline = Word.WdUnderline...
private void BookmarkPasteSpecial() { this.Paragraphs[1].Range.InsertParagraphBefore(); Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Bookmark bookmark1 = this.Controls.AddBookmark(this.Paragraphs[1].Range, "bookmark1"); object DataType = Word.WdPasteDataType.wdPasteText; bookmark1.PasteSpecial(ref missing, ref...
The small black square to the left of some paragraphs in a Microsoft Word document, aka the Paragraph Properties Mark, can tell you a lot about the formatting applied to those paragraphs. By Dick Eassom, CF APMP Fellow (aka Wordman) ...
Haven't tried nightlies, but will do so. kichooocommentedMar 9, 2016 I also have that problem. Paste also doesn't work for me, but entire plugin goes bad, there are lags and warps. What I see in the console: ...
Fix an issue where a bookmark is created that spans multiple paragraphs, but when the email is received, only the first paragraph of the bookmark is selected when using Go To. Fix an issue where pasting text into Outlook doesn't show the full text if the amount of text pasted is greate...
privatevoidBookmarkTwoLinesInOne(){this.Paragraphs[1].Range.InsertParagraphBefore(); Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Bookmark bookmark1 =this.Controls.AddBookmark(this.Paragraphs[1].Range,"bookmark1"); bookmark1.Text ="This is sample bookmark text."; bookmark1.TwoLinesInOne = Word.WdTwoLinesI...