1). 确保安装包是从微软官网:Downloads下载的最新的安装包。 2). 检查是否满足所有的VS 2019系统要求。 3). 尝试重新下载安装包,然后右击以管理员权限运行,并试着重装VS 2019。 4). 保证网络连接正常,关闭一些可能存在影响的三方插件,或者软件再尝试重装VS 2019。
can't find product key to install visual studio 6.0 Can't install Visual C++ 2008 due to installation not progressing: stuck at FT_VC_Redist_OpenMP_x86 Can't install Visual Studio 2019 community!! Can't install Visual Studio Professional 2010 because of...
.NET 桌面开发 (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktop,version=16.4.29511.114) Visual Studio 扩展开发 (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.VisualStudioExtension,version=16.4.29409.204) 数据存储和处理 (Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.Data,version=16.0.28720.110) 通用Windows 平台开发 (Mic...
If the issue has already been reported on the Developer Community, you can find solutions or workarounds there. If the issue has not been reported, we encourage you to create a new issue so that other developers will be able to find solutions or workarounds. You can create a new...
WIN7下Visual Studio2019安装时报错Microsoft.Net.4.7.2.FullRedist 下载.net4.7.2的离线安装包 下载地址:https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/help/4054530/microsoft-net-framework-4-7-2-offline-installer-for-windows 在安装.net4.7.2时发生严重故障 后来看了日志 发现红字 ...
Thanks for posting the question on Microsoft Q&A! For a specialized assistance on VS, you may post your question on Developer Community -https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/search?space=8 - to receive insights from the targetted audience. ...
Package ‘Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.WMIProvider,version=3.7.2182.35401’ failed to install. Error writing to file: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SetupWMI\x64\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Management.dll. Verify that you have access to that directory. ...
I have Windows 10 Home and I am trying to install Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise(the Community edition also does not work). The log file is attached. All Log files can be seen here:view Visual Studio Setup Visual Studio Setup Visual Studio:A family of Microsoft suites of integrated dev...
VS2019无法安装..我是一名Visual Studio的小白 最近想学C++,于是安装了Visual Studio,但是安装出现了无法安装Microsoft.VisualCpp.Redist.14的问题 请求各位解决一下求回复啊求回复顶顶