Failing to run: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe /setup Getting an error when installling VS2010 SP1 Getting error "Package 'sqlsysclrtypes,version=15.1.61808.7030,chip=x86,language=en-US' failed to install." Getting Error when installing Visual Studio...
path: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\SSDTSetup.exe, cmdline: '-burn.unelevated BurnPipe.{463A1C73-C933-40B0-A208-B2AE14528C6C} {9D3BA9A4-C062-4E9A-B051-2FCD5FF4FA37} 6220'
在安装盘里找到\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualCpp.Redist.14,version=14.16.27012.3,chip=x64或者x86文件夹。 比如下载包存储位置在d盘 选择报错文件夹里的安装文件,双击运行。该错误出现是因为安装包有问题,所以一般情况下无论64还是86的安装包都打不开。如:不会弹出安装选项 楼主我的...
安装:VC_redist.x64.exe 备注 自Visual Studio 2015 年以来Visual Studio版本共享相同的可再发行文件。 例如,Visual Studio 2015、2017、2019 或 2022 工具集构建的任何应用都可以使用最新的Microsoft Visual C++可再发行组件。 但是,计算机上安装的 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 的版本必须与用于创建应用程序的...
如果尚未下载并安装 Visual Studio 和 Microsoft C/C++ 工具,请参阅下面的入门指南。Visual Studio 2017 安装 在Visual Studio 2017 中,可轻松选择并仅安装所需功能。 并且由于其最小占用减小,因此其安装速度快且对系统的影响极小。 先决条件 宽带Internet 连接。 Visual Studio 安装程序可能会下载数 GB 的数据。
i cant download microsoft visual c++ because it says setup failed 0x800705b4 i did not find any tutorials on youtube how to fix it,Please help me microsoft team I wanted to install microsoft visual c++,when i download the microsoft visual c++ installer is stuck at initializing and then after...
Package repair failed to ‘Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration,version=3.7.2174.19405’. Search URL;PackageAction=Repair;ReturnCode=2502 ...
After installing Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.0):v14.10.25008.00, it shows up in the registry location:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\x64 and x86respectively.
This error shows that the previous Visual C++ Redist remaining that prevents the 2015 version setup. Please try steps as below: 1. Go to Control Panel--Programs and Features, uninstall all the Visual C++ Redistribute items. 2. RunFix ittool ...
This error shows that the previous Visual C++ Redist remaining that prevents the 2015 version setup. Please try steps as below: 1. Go to Control Panel--Programs and Features, uninstall all the Visual C++ Redistribute items. 2. RunFix ittool to fix problems that block programs from being inst...