Watch interactive demos designed for students, educators, families, school leaders, and IT professionals. See demos Additional resources Get the most out of Teams with tips and tricks, free activities, and information about key features. Teams for Education support Discover all that Microsoft ...
Microsoft Teams for education is a powerful communication app for schools that enhances collaboration and learning. It integrates everyone and everything in one place, and it’s free for students and teachers of all grade levels with a valid email address. ...
Teach, collaborate, and more with Microsoft Teams for Education. Learn how this video conferencing and communication app for schools can support in-person & remote students.
Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, content, and apps together in one place. Educators can create collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learning communities, and communicate with school staff – all from a single experience in Office 365 Education. Explore Teams feat...
Microsoft Teams for Education 学校のリーダーまたは IT 管理初めて Microsoft Teams を展開する場合、目標は、管理者、学校、教師を 1 日目から成功させるために設定することです。 効率的なコミュニケーションと...
Microsoft Teams 是一個數位中樞,可將交談、內容和應用程式整合在一起。 因為其建置在 M365 上,所以學校可從與熟悉的 Office 應用程式和服務整合中獲益。 您的機構可以使用 Microsoft Teams 來建立共同作業教室、在專業學習社群中聯機,以及從 Microsoft 365 教育版的單一體驗與學校教職員通訊。若要開始使用,IT 系統...
With Teams, educators can create collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learning communities, and communicate with students and guardians.Use the IT admin resources here to help you successfully deploy, adopt, and manage Teams in your school or institution.Pro...
系統管理員可以使用 Teams 在 [一般] 頻道中將專業發展資源分享給所有授課者,以及在獨立頻道中管理與個別授課者之間的私人通訊 (在 [交談]) 和內容 (例如使用 OneNote 教職員記事本)。 ¹Hinton, M. (2017, March). Study Links After-School Programs to Improved STEM Kno...
Microsoft Teams for Educationを使用すると、課題を簡単に採点でき、それらの成績が Schoology の成績表に自動的に同期されます。 Teams では、学生に成績とフィードバックを提供し、採点カテゴリと異なる採点システムを設定し、学生の成績が時間の経過とともにどのように変化しているかを確認できま...
详细了解 Teams 中为教师、学生和教职员工设计的新体验! ¹Hinton, M.(2017 年 3 月)。研究课后计划与改进 STEM 知识之间的关系。教育周刊。检索自