Experience natural on-screen writing with Surface Pen, which is compatible with a wide variety of Surface devices and models like the Surface Pro, Surface Go, and Surface Laptop, among others. Learn more about this Microsoft stylus, available colors, and
released via Windows Update. The driver MSI and ZIP files include all of the drivers and firmware needed to deploy custom images of Windows on your Surface devices. Additionally, the WinTab driver is provided for those professionals needing WinTab compatibility with certain Surface Pen enabled ...
使用Surface 应用检查笔压力设置。 要打开它,请选择“开始”,输入“surface”,然后选择它以打开应用。 如果应用未打开,请从Microsoft Store获取它。 打开Surface 应用 打开后,选择“触笔”以调整笔压力。 查看电池剩余电量 还可以在 Surface 应用中的“触笔”选项卡上检查电池电量。
將Surface Hub 手寫筆與支援藍牙的電腦配對:按住頂端按鈕,直到白色指標 LED 燈開始閃爍為止。 在計算機上,掃描新的藍牙裝置。 選取畫筆以完成配對程式。 開始新的更新之前,請先中斷所有其他 Surface Hub 手寫筆的連線。 將Surface Hub Pen 韌體更新工具下載到您的電腦。 執行PenCfu.exe。安裝進度會顯示在工具中。
- SurfacePen0C0FFirmwareUpdate: SurfaceStorageFwUpdateEnum: SurfaceTimeAlarmAcpiFilter: SurfaceTouchG6FwUpdateExtnPackage0C59: 1.1523.137.0- SurfaceTouchG6FwUpdateExtnPackage0C5A: 1.1525.137.0- SurfaceTouchPenProcessor0c59Update: Surfac...
Surface 如果不确定拥有哪种触控笔,请使用此页面来帮助你识别它,并查看哪些功能可用。 注意:Surface 触控笔可能适用于其他 Surface 和 Windows 电脑。 若要检查是否正常工作,请转到将 Surface 触控笔用于另一台 Windows 电脑。 相关主题 Surface 触控笔帮助 ...
- SurfaceHIDFriendlyNames: - SurfacePen0953CfuOverBleLcExtnPackage: - SurfacePen0953FirmwareUpdate: - SurfacePowerFilter: - SurfaceTouchPenProcessorUpdate: 3.331.137.0 - SurfaceCFUOverHid: - SurfaceME: 13.0.2376.2 - SurfacePD:...
Applies ToSurface Devices Surface Windows 11Windows 10 Interact with your Surface in new ways using Surface Pen. If you're not sure which pen you have, go to Identify your Surface Pen and features. Here's an overview of what you can do with your pen: Write and draw Navigate and ...
Does anybody have any idea of which pen is compatible with Surface Pro 4? I wasted money on 4 pens almost 300$ worth total for none of them to work ... Reply Deleted Aug 07, 2020 Vmcooper What types of pens are your buying? I've never had a problem with any of the Microsoft...
Applies ToSurface Devices Surface Windows 11Windows 10 Interact with your Surface in new ways using Surface Pen. If you're not sure which pen you have, go to Identify your Surface Pen and features. Here's an overview of what you can do with your pen: Write and draw Navigate and ...