在运行 SQL 安装程序之前,请查阅 计划SQL Server 安装。通过从命令提示符安装 SQL Server 的新实例,可以指定要安装的功能以及如何配置这些功能。 还可以指定与安装用户界面是进行静默交互、基本交互还是完全交互。若要通过命令提示符安装或配置 SQL Server 实例,请打开管理命令提示符,然后导航到 setup.exe 在 SQL ...
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No, running the setup process on a new system does not reimage the system. Reimaging typically refers to reinstalling the operating system or restoring the system to its factory settings. You do not need to activate MS Office before running the initial setup process on yo...
You use the release version of SQL Server 2016 together with the GDR update. In this scenario, the installation does not update the SQL Server Setup support files correctly. Additionally, you don't receiv...
You use the release version of SQL Server 2016 together with the GDR update. In this scenario, the installation does not update the SQL Server Setup support files correctly. Additionally, you don't receive any error messages in this scenario. ...
Database setup has not been completed DBMS: 12 error Delete a company if you run SQL Server Deleting the login failed for an unknown reason Deploy Dynamics GP in a Terminal Server environment Description of the Language ID global system variable ...
Microsoft.Xbox.SmartGlass.dll 文件可能由于意外删除而丢失,可能作为另一个程序的共享文件(与 Cisco VPN Client Fix for Windows 8.1 and 10 共享)而被卸载,还可能由于恶意软件感染而被删除。此外,Microsoft.Xbox.SmartGlass.dll 文件损坏可能是由于加载 Cisco VPN Client Fix for Windows 8.1 and 10 时出现断电,由...