Apprenez de nouvelles compétences grâce à la formation Microsoft Power BI. Notre approche pratique d'apprentissage guidé vous aide à apprendre Power BI et à atteindre vos objectifs.
Microsoft Azure 雲端資料平台概述簡介 透過Microsoft Power BI embedded 將資料融入企業解決方案 如何活用 Azure DocumentDB 優勢 初探Azure HDInsight 支援多元資料 輕鬆拖拉 Machine Learning 模型預測資料 使用Data Lake 將巨量資料轉為價值資訊 SQL Data Warehouse 進階資料分析 洞悉Table Storage 儲存機制 用數據說故事...
Microsoft Learn a Power BI-hozMicrosoft Power BITudja meg, hogyan csatlakozhat az adatokhoz és jelenítheti meg azokat olyan készségek fejlesztésével, amelyek elősegítik az adatkultúra fejlesztését, hogy az adatok alapján mindenki jobb döntéseket tudjon hozni....
Browse all Power BI learning paths Power BI Overview Microsoft Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. From data in a simple Microsoft Excel workbook,...
Power BI : Ultimate Business Intelligence Tool What do you like best about the product? The learning curve of Power BI is one of the easiest out there among all the other Business Intelligence tools in the market. The ease of use and user-friendly interface makes it the go-to tool for ...
The ultimate Microsoft Fabric, Power BI, SQL, and AI community-led event. March 31 to April 2, 2025. Register today Training Learning path Create machine learning models with R and tidymodels - Training Learn how to explore and analyze data by using R. Get and introduction to regress...
Блогпо Microsoft Power BI БлогMachine LearningПубликациистегом: Machine Learning Announcing Automated Machine learning in Power BI general availability Power BI 24 октября, 2019 Автор: Ancy Philip We’re happy to announce that Auto ML in Power BI...
Power BI Report Builder is a tool for authoring paginated reports that you can publish to the Power BI service. Paginated reports are designed to be printed or shared. They're formatted to fit well on a page, and they display *all* the data in a table, e
Visualize any data and integrate the visuals into the apps you use every day with Power BI, a unified platform for self-service and business intelligence.
When a user finishes an interactive logon session, all removable media (e.g., diskettes) should be removed from the drive and physically protected, unless the machine is in a physically secure location (e.g., locked room or office). Users should be aware that files on diskettes are not...