Learn Azure A complete cloud platform to host your existing apps and streamline new development. Azure services integrate everything you need to develop, test, deploy, and manage your apps. Set up an Azure accountAdditional resourcesSet up your development environment on Windows Get help setting up...
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Nice site : Microsoft Web Development Learning SeriesSkills come faster when you build on what you know. Welcome to the Microsoft® Web Development Learning Series, sponsored by Microsoft and Dr. Dobb's. Choose from more than 60 learning modules—organized by track—including Virtual Labs and ...
ASP.NET Web APIs: Build secure REST APIs on any platform with C#. Azure DevOps Services REST API: Azure DevOps enables collaboration on software development through source control, work tracking, and continuous integration and delivery, both on-premises and in the cloud. Azure Media Player: A...
Web Development - Building Responsive Web Sites with Bootstrap Data Points - An Overview of Microsoft Azure DocumentDB ASP.NET - Create Your Own Visual Studio Templates with SideWaffle Test Run - Firefly Algorithm Optimization Azure Insider - Event Hubs for Analytics and Visualization, Part 2 ...
Internet Information Services (IIS) turns a computer into a Web server that can provide World Wide Web publishing services, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) services, Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) services, and Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) services. You can use IIS to host and ...
You can create highly interactive pages that are independent of the type of browser used to access those pages. Unlike client-side script, with ASP you can hide your scripting on the server, enabling you to protect your development ideas and intellectual property. ...
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