David Callaway
Fix an issue where the location of phone numbers isn't shown in meeting invites. Fix an issue with the mouse pointer in remote control scenarios with high DPI. Fix an issue where a participant can't see the shared desktop when other participants switch which shared desktop is being displaye...
Fix an issue where the mouse pointer isn't shown in the IM input area after sending a message in a chat. Fix an issue where Skype for Business hangs when signing in and there is a problem loading the cache pool. Fix an issue where Skype for Business crashes when signing in and restori...
Hi. I tried it in C#, but I found no questions that tested intermediate or advanced C# skills (please tell me if I am pushing it through breaking the NDA), so I think the choice of language here isn't that important. Still, this signals something about the future of C++ in the .NE...
0xC004F039 The Key Management Service (KMS) isn't enabled When you encounter this issue, you see this error message: The Software Protection Service reported that the computer couldn't be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) isn't enabled. ...
Notification reports "The language server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. It will not be restarted." I've tried reboot/restart etch. System Info: DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=16.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=xenial DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION=...
0xC004F039 The Key Management Service (KMS) isn't enabled When you encounter this issue, you see this error message: The Software Protection Service reported that the computer couldn't be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) isn't enabled. ...
Fix an issue where the mouse pointer isn't shown in the IM input area after sending a message in a chat. Fix an issue where Skype for Business hangs when signing in and there is a problem loading the cache pool. Fix an issue where Skype for Business crashes when signing in and restori...
Fix an issue where the link to view older mail messages on the server doesn't appear at the bottom of the list of messages in the folder, such as the Inbox or Deleted Items folder. Fix an issue where Outlook doesn't send the message content when sending mail using a .msg file. ...
http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/59c1f7e3-cd88-46bc-8373-e12a0993f781/sccm-client-cannot-install-trough-logon-script?forum=configmanagerdeployment-> his solution was to reinstall the MP (tell me when I am wrong but MP is Management Point isn't it?) I not really want...