Reddit Enhancement Suite is a community-driven unofficial browser extension for Reddit. Please note that RES is specifically designed to work on OLD reddit. Most functionality will not work on the redesign. To read more about Reddit Enhancement Suite, please visit NOTE: ...
Advanced Profanity Filter helps to clean up bad language on the websites you and your family visit.
Edge 浏览器最近对深色模式进行了适配,当系统的颜色模式由浅色变更为深色,Edge 顶部的标签栏和搜索框也...
I was playing some random Youtube videos in Edge and I noticed some unusual noise coming from the radiator fans (I have a custom fan curve based on CPU...
"We don't have any technical blockers to keep us from creating Linux binaries, and it's definitely something we'd like to do down the road,"the Edge team said. "That being said, there is still work to make them 'customer ready' (installer, updaters, user sync, bug fixes, etc.) ...
1. In daily life, I am used to keeping 600-700 TABs in EDGE. With the latest version of the tab sleep function, EDGE works well, but EXPLORER will start to crash as my TAB increases. 2. After observation, it is known that in this case, EXPLORER's GDI O...
也就是说,无论用户是否将Edge设置为“允许微软收集信息用于广告目的”,都可能面临着泄露隐私的风险。 据了解,这项功能本来是用于提醒创作者关注新通知的,例如YouTube、Reddit网站等。 然而似乎是因为存在异常,在实际运用中,微软会默认为每个网站都启用此功能,用户访问的几乎所有网站地址都会发送给必应。
subreddit 💾 ✔ Auto-Start Reddit™ when Microsoft Edge starts 💻 ✔ Configurations in a Options 🔧 section. ✔ See your friends news and edit your profile 📣 ✔ Very Low CPU/RAM/Bandwidth consumption 🔋 ✔ HTTPS and over Reddit™ platform for maximum security 🔑 No ...
可以在 Microsoft Edge 的边栏中打开此扩展。通过在边栏中打开扩展,可以在并行视图中浏览和访问扩展。 描述 Replace YouTube comments with Reddit comments or view the Reddit comments of any web page. By default YouTube comments will be replaced with the relevant Reddit comments...
(2) The Edge Team's comments suggest that (a) Microsoft intends to enforce Coalition for Better Ads standards going forward; (b) Microsoft does not intend to block ad-blockers; and (c) Microsoft favors extensions for ad-blocking rather than native ad-blocking. ...