Cet article décrit une API de code natif utilisée par SQL Server et qui peut également être appelée par d’autres produits Microsoft. Pour une méthode de code managé, consultez InstAPI.GetSvcInstanceRegStringByName, méthode.C Copier GetSQLInstanceRegStringByID( PINST_ID pInstanceID, ...
MessageId: DTS_MSG_SERVER_MISSING_CONFIG_REG MessageText: Microsoft SSIS Service: %nRegistry setting specifying configuration file does not exist. %nAttempting to load default config file.
表示SQL Server 的特定注册表字符串值。C# 复制 public delegate bool DelegateGetSQLVerSpecificRegString(string sRegPath, string sValueName, StringBuilder sString, out uint pdwSize);参数sRegPath String 包含注册表路径的字符串值。sValueName String 字符串值名称。
The ASP.NET SQL Server registration tool (Aspnet_regsql.exe) is used to create a Microsoft SQL Server database that is used by the SQL Server providers in ASP.NET. The tool is also used to add or remove options from an existing database.You...
This workbook was prepared for introductory training in the use of Microsoft SQL Server Version 6.0. The examples are all taken from the PUBS database that Microsoft distributes for training purposes or from the Microsoft Online Documentation. The merits of the relational database are presented.关键...
Provides support for the ASP.NET SQL Server Configuration Tool (aspnet_regsql.exe), which configures SQL Server to store application feature data using AspNetSqlProvider. Namespace:System.Web.Management Assembly:aspnet_regsql.exe VBCopy PublicClassRegSql ...
提供ASP.NET SQL Server 組態工具 (aspnet_regsql.exe) 的支援,該項工具可將 SQL Server 設定為使用 AspNetSqlProvider 儲存應用程式功能。命名空間 (Namespace):System.Web.Management組件 (Assembly):aspnet_regsql.exeVB 複製 Public Class RegSql
cn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=srv1;UID=sa;PWD=sa_password;" cmd.ActiveConnection = cn cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc cmd.CommandText = "srv2.pubs.dbo.sample_stored_procedure" Set prm = ...
Server. Det gick inte att hitta servern eller så var den inte tillgänglig. Kontrol lera att instans namnet är korrekt och att SQL Server är konfigurerat för att tillåta fjärr anslutningar. (leverantör: SQL-nät...
Experiments are carried out, using the SQL Server™ 2000 release as well as its new 2005 Beta 2 version, to evaluate the capability of these tools while dealing with multi-relational data mining. In these experiments the Microsoft® Decision Trees data mining algorithm is considere...