Basic 64-bit EditionWindows Vista Home Premium 64-bit EditionWindows Vista Service Pack 2Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit EditionWindows 7 Service Pack 1 注意 本文适用于高级用户、管理员和 IT 专业人员。 (.reg) 文件导入注册项是 Regedit.exe 的一项功能,Regedt32.exe 不支持。 可以使用 Regedit.exe 对...
Basic 64-bit EditionWindows Vista Home Premium 64-bit EditionWindows Vista Service Pack 2Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit EditionWindows 7 Service Pack 1 注意事項 本文提供給進階使用者、系統管理員及 IT 專業人員參考使用。 匯入登錄項目 (.reg) 檔案是 Regedit.exe 的功能,不受 Regedt3...
1信任测试根此值将被忽略。Windows XP/2000:如果为 TRUE,则信任测试根。 这相当于在 Internet Explorer 3 中运行“regedit wvtston.reg”。x. 默认值为FALSE。 使用测试根签名的任何文件都不会进行验证,除非此标志设置为TRUE。 请注意,使用 Service Pack 1 的 Windows XP (SP1) ,此行为已更改,因为具有 SP1...
Can I setup a software RAID in Windows Server 2012 R2 using Virtual Hard Disks? Can I stop Active Directory service ? Can I uninstall an update that is pending reboot? Can I use built in windows vpn instead of cisco vpn client Can KB2813430 update apply on Windows Server 2012R2? Can Lo...
I have a service account for which i need this info. Kindly help me with GPRESULT or Powershell command. How do I install software across all PCs on my Domain using Group Policy? (Windows Server 2012 R2) How do I know what is populating my client DNS Suffix Search List? How do I ...
This step-by-step article describes how to add, modify, or delete registry subkeys and values by using a Registration Entries (.reg) file.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to export the subkey again, but use a different file name for the .reg file. You can use this .reg file to make your registry changes on another computer. Test your changes on the local computer. If they cause a problem...
SetReg ツールは、Authenticode 証明書検証プロセスの動作を制御するレジストリ キーの値を設定します。
Microsoft SQL Express 2005 Macro Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition Microsoft Streaming Clock Proxy Microsoft Streaming File System I/O Microsoft Streaming Quality Manager Proxy Microsoft Streaming RIFF Wave File Parser Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy Microsoft Streaming Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter ...
Opakováním kroků 3 a 4 znovu vyexportujte podklíč, ale pro soubor .reg použijte jiný název souboru. Tento .reg soubor můžete použít k provádění změn registru v jiném počítači. Otestujte změny v místním počítači. Pokud způsobí pr...