Pochodylo, Amy L.Aristilde, LudmillaCornell Univ Inst Comparat &Environmental chemistry lettersAmy LP, Ludmilla A. Molecular dynamics of stability and structures in phytochelatin complexes with Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg and Ca: Implications for metal detoxification. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2017, 15:...
, Wiley, Chichester, 2000, and references therein) to make a detailed calculation of the rovibronic energies in the first excited electronic state, Ã 2 , of the MgCN radical. This calculation is based on ab initio data computed at the MR-SDCI(+Q)/[TZ3P+f (Mg), aug-cc-pVQZ (N...
Annaleise R. KleinLudmilla AristildeSpringer International PublishingEnvironmental Chemistry LettersPochodylo, A.L., Klein, A.R., Aristilde, L., 2017. Metal-binding selectivity and coordination dynamics for cyanobacterial microcystins with Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, and Ca. Environ. Chem. Lett. 1-7....
The 0(0)(0) band of the (A) over tilde (2)Pi - (X) over tilde (2)Sigma(+) transition of MgC4H has been recorded at high resolution using laser-induced fluorescence. The molecules were produced using an ablation source by the reaction of magnesium and similar to 10% acetylene ...
Pochodylo, Amy L.Aristilde, LudmillaSpringer International PublishingEnvironmental Chemistry LettersAmy LP, Ludmilla A. Molecular dynamics of stability and structures in phytochelatin complexes with Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg and Ca: Implications for metal detoxification. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2017, 15:...