合金装备3:食蛇者 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater的评论。剧情 贞洁任务 1964年8月24日,正式组成的特种部队“FOX”(Force Operation X)首次被赋予的实战任务,援救苏联的武器开发者苏可洛夫,协助他脱逃苏联前往美国。苏可洛夫开发的新型武器在演习中的间隙,“FOX”的
『METAL GEAR SOLID: MASTER COLLECTION Vol.1』をご予約いただいた方への特典です。以下コンテンツを入手することができます。 [デジタルサウンドトラック追加3曲]・THE BEST IS YET TO COME(Master Collection ver.)・CAN’T SAY GOODBYE TO YESTERDAY(Master Collection ver.)・SNAKE EATER(Mas...
Solid Snake, the protagonist from the Metal Gear series, is actually named David. This was disclosed in Metal Gear Solid and is a nod to David Bowman of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Dave Forrest from Policenauts. Provided by: Fandom What is the significance of the name 'Iroquois Pliskin'...
beginning of the METAL GEAR series, including the original versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid (which also includes VR Missions/Special Missions), and the HD Collection versions of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater....
Snake's Revenge NES(美版FC) (1990-04) 注:实际并非msx2潜龙谍影一代的续作,而是一代FC版的变体,小岛秀夫未经手,只在美欧FC上发行 金属齿轮2 索利德·斯内克 Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake MSX2 (1990-07-20) PS2 (2005-12-22,内置于《潜龙谍影3 生存》) ...
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (AI) Created by Hideo Kojima Designed by Yoji Shinkawa Voiced by (Japanese) Kikuko Inoue Voiced by (English) Lori Alan Portrayed by Eriko Hirata (MGS3; regular)[1] Motosada Mori (MGS3; CQC-action) "Is there such a ...
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty ...9.0 Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty8.9 METAL GEAR SOLID 20th ANNIVE...9.5 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater9.3 Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patr...9.1 Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons Of Liberty9.3 ...
歌曲:“METAL GEAR SOLID” Main Theme (METAL GEAR SOLID 3 Version),歌手:日本群星 (オムニバス)。“METAL GEAR SOLID” Main Theme (METAL GEAR SOLID 3 Version)在线免费试听,更多日本群星 (オムニバス)相关歌曲,尽在QQ音乐!QQ音乐是腾讯公司推出的一款网络音乐服
De bonuscontent voor de pre-orders van METAL GEAR SOLID MASTER COLLECTION Vol. 1 bevat 3 extra nummers op de digitale soundtrack ・THE BEST IS YET TO COME Master Collection ver. ・CAN’T SAY GOODBYE TO YESTERDAY Master Collection ver. ・SNAKE EATE