The message store has reached its maximum size. To reduce the amount of data in this message store, select some items that you no longer need, permanently (Shift + Del) delete them. In Outlook on the Web, the user receives the following error message: The action couldn't be completed. ...
Hello, Please i need your help on this issue. The message store has reached its maximum size. We got an error message that says: The message store has reached its maximum size. To reduce the amount of data in this message store, select some items that…
Hi, Got a user who has full delegate permissions on a users mailbox and whenever they try to delete or change items in their mailbox/calendar it comes up with this message: They have no issues with other peoples mailboxes they are delegates
sms report-MS store is full -短信回执返回手机内存满错误。 103 NA SVC6001 sms report-illegal device -短信回执返回非法设备错误。 104 NA SVC6001 sms report-failure because the subscriber is busy -短信回执返回用户忙错误。 105 NA SVC6001 sms report-VMSC:the called MS poweroff -短信回执返回用户关...
My java process crashed with the message "Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 12288 bytes for committing reserved memory." in fatal error log like (*1-1) below. Also, the stack trace in the fatal error log indicates that the java process crashed when it tried to create stack ...
switch(config)#logging logfilelogfile-nameseverity-level[sizebytes] Configures the name of the log file used to store system messages and the minimum severity level to log. You can optionally specify a maximum file size. Th...
MessageId: DTS_E_ERRMSGTASK_ERRORMESSAGEOUTOFRANGE MessageText: The error message id "%1!s!" is out of the allowed range of user defined error messages. User defined error message ids are between 50000 and 2147483647.
Explanation: Bulkload generates temporary files under the instance owner's tmp directory or the directory specified with the -L option. Either the file system is full or, on AIX, Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX systems, the maximum file size limit has been reached. Bulkload is unable to continue...
logfile-name : Configures the name of the log file that is used to store system messages. Default filename is "message". severity-level : Configures the minimum severity level to log. A lower number indicates a...
Specifies maximum number of times a message can be delivered. Once this count has exceeded, message will be moved to dead-letter queue. Parameters: deliveryCount - maximum delivery count Returns: the next stage of queue updateApplies to Azure SDK for Ja...