public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse reponse){ this.username=(String)request.getParameter("username"); this.password=(String)request.getParameter("password"); System.out.println("456"); }*/publicvoidinit(){//四个域对象(servletcontext ,Session,Request,page)ServletConfig a...
message: HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL description: The specified HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource (HTTP method GET is not supported by this URL). 经过上网查询,原因如下: 1,继承自HttpServlet的Servlet没有重写对于请求和响应的处理方法:doGet或doPost等方法;默认调...
method GET is not supported by this URL). 经过上网查询,原因如下: 1,继承自HttpServlet的Servlet没有重写对于请求和响应的处理方法:doGet或doPost等方法;默认调 用父类的doGet或doPost等方法; 2,父类HttpServlet的doGet或doPost等方法覆盖了你重写的doGet或doPost等方法; 不管是1或2,父类HttpServlet的doGet...
class) public String handleHttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException(HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException e, Model model) { logger.error("不支持当前请求方法", e); String message = "【不支持当前请求方法】" + e.getMessage(); model.addAttribute("message", message); model.addAttribute("...
ApiError apiError =newApiError(HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, ex.getMessage(),null);returnnewResponseEntity<>(apiError, apiError.getStatus()); } 开发者ID:dhaval-mehta,项目名称:url-to-google-drive,代码行数:6,代码来源: importorg.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedExceptio...
TraceLoggingThreadActivity::IsStarted method (Windows) Planning an Index (Windows) SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH control code (Windows) Start element (Windows) TraceLoggingActivity::~TraceLoggingActivity method (Windows) EntranceEffect Element Source Element ITransformPropertyPoint::get_Time IPropertyStore::Commi...
The request method (GET, POST, etc.) was not allowed for this particular resource. See Also: Constant Field Values MESSAGESUPPORT_E_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED static final int MESSAGESUPPORT_E_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED Client tried to access password-protected proxy server without proper authoriz...
When invoked, this method returns the item ID via the callback function. getSelectedDataAsync(coercionType, options, callback) Asynchronously returns selected data from the subject or body of a message. If there is no selection but the cursor is in the body or subject, the method returns an...
The String[] ConnectionMetaData.getJMSXPropertyNames method returns the names of the JMSX properties supported by a connection. JMSX properties may be referenced in message selectors whether or not they are supported by a connection. If they are not present in a message, they are treated ...
This method cannot be inherited. Top Remarks The Message class provides a means of communicating arbitrary information between a sender and a receiver on a network. It can be used to relay information, suggest or demand a course of action, or request data. The structure of a Messag...