"message": "API rate limit exceeded" #19 Open chowaikong opened this issue Jun 17, 2017· 8 comments Commentschowaikong commented Jun 17, 2017 请问是否每个接口都有请求次数限制?我目前只是开发阶段,貌似都是那几个分类的文章列表的请求都是返回这个信息。 例如:https://api.qingmang.me/v2/artic...
{"error": {"code":"TooManyRequests","message":"Rate limit exceeded."} } 狀態碼: 503 JSON {"error": {"code":"ServiceUnavailable","message":"The server is currently unable to handle the request."} } 定義 UpdateChatMessageRequest
root@6f8229b6af77:/app# signal-cli -u $BOT_NUMBER trust -v "<redacted>" +<redacted> org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.exceptions.RateLimitException: Rate limit exceeded: 413 at org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.push.PushServiceSocket.validateServiceResponse(PushServiceSocket.java:14...
com/api/chat.postMessage Required scopes Bot tokenschat:write User tokenschat:writechat:write:userchat:write:bot Legacy bot tokensbot Content types application/x-www-form-urlencodedapplication/json Rate limitsSpecial Arguments Required arguments token token ·Required Authentication token bearing required ...
Runs with status “failed” but no messages with “last_error” = rate_limit_exceeded: Rate limit reached for gpt-3.5-turbo-16k in organization org-JfHjVQvS0VBIEGRAYcgitAoO on tokens_usage_based per min: Limit 1000000, Used 995047, Requested 14138. Please try again in 551ms. Vis...
当您遇到 openai.ratelimiterror: error code: 429 这个错误时,表示您已经超出了当前OpenAI API配额的限制。以下是一些解决步骤和建议,帮助您解决这个问题: 检查OpenAI API的当前配额使用情况: 您可以登录到OpenAI的控制台,查看您的API使用情况,包括已使用的请求数和剩余的请求数。 阅读OpenAI官方文档中关于错误码429...
Our contractor uses our smtp server (exchange) to send emails through some of their application. Before several days they wrote that there is a error in their application log: "4.4.2 Message submission rate for this client has exceeded the configured limit" and the application do not send the...
Occurs when a service's request rate limit is exceeded, resulting in throttling of further requests. HTTP Status Code: 400 ValidationException The request validation has failed. For details, see the accompanying error message. HTTP Status Code: 400 ...
This API is used to receive SMS status reports from the Message & SMS platform. You can set the SMS status report callback address by specifying the statusCallback field
Relevant API REQUEST output 429 {"type":"error","error":{"type":"rate_limit_error","message":"Number of request tokens has exceeded your per-minute rate limit (https://docs.anthropic.com/en/api/rate-limits); see the response headers for current usage. Please reduce the prompt length or...