确认401错误的原因: HTTP 401错误通常表示“未授权”,即请求没有得到服务器的授权。在这个特定的错误信息中,它明确指出了“没有找到授权令牌”。 检查请求中是否包含有效的授权令牌: 在你的HTTP请求中,你需要检查是否已经在请求头中包含了Authorization字段,并且该字段的值是一个有效的授权令牌。例如,如果你使用的...
1. 这种报错,其实就是登录时,会带有一个登录信息给到接口, 在请求头里 找到这个, 放到jmeter的请求头中
xiamaocheng commentedon Feb 29, 2024 xiamaocheng 1.将对应的CommonConstant (TOKEN_IS_INVALID_MSG)的引用类注释掉,如下: 1.1 1.2 复写验证使其返回通过 1.3 修改Tokentils文件: 2.更改对应的Shiro 文件: 增加过滤器: 3.結果如下: zhangdaiscott commentedon Mar 7, 2024 ...
启动 刚启动 出这个,{"code":401,"message":"未登录或token过期,请登录!"},大佬们帮忙解决一下呗请登录后查看 CRMEB官方 最后编辑于2022-11-07 20:16:18 快捷回复 回复 回复回复({{post_count}}) {{!is_user ? '我的回复' :'全部回复'}} 排序 默认正序 回复倒序 点赞倒序 {{userPopoverData.n...
StatusCode:: 401, Message:: Unauthorized #1245 Closed dillfrescott opened this issue Jun 4, 2023· 6 comments Commentsdillfrescott commented Jun 4, 2023 This error has been appearing, preventing me from even seeing a login screen on my newly self hosted linen instance...
在使用tcpsocker 发送数据时,直接返回 {"code":401,"message":"Parameter error"}},请问是哪里的...
这里就记录遇到的各种status。 1.405 Method Not Allowed 请求方式不允许。即服务端只允许比如get,而你...
{message=Unauthorized, status=401}] with root cause AuthenticationException{message=Unauthorized, status=401} at org.openstack4j.core.transport.HttpExceptionHandler.mapException(HttpExceptionHandler.java:36) at org.openstack4j.core.transport.HttpExceptionHandler.mapException(HttpExceptionHandler.java:23) ...
@Geena KimI think in this case you need the bearer token. I think some part of your code that generates the bearer token is not called or not used when you actually send the client request to the openai endpoint, instead it might be passing your openai API key and it causes ...
{ "statusCode": 401, "message": "Access denied due to missing subscription key. Make sure to include subscription key when making requests to an API." } 504 Gateway Timeout in Azure API Management AADSTS900144: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'scope'. Accessi...