$connection=newMongo(); ?> 通过网页访问,网页显示空白,查看nginx 的错误日志是: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Mongo' not found in /var/www/phpscripts/mongo.php:2 找不到Mongo这个类, 通过函数 get_extension_funcs 和get_declared_classes查看mongo提供的类名和函数名 print_...
'HttpResponse' does not contain a definition for 'Cache' and no accessible extension method 'Cache' accepting a first argument of type 'HttpResponse' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 'IEnumerable<>' does not contain a definition for '', no ex...
*/privatefunctionloadData(){// inform that the module is not installed yetif(!BackendModel::isModuleInstalled($this->currentModule)) {$this->warnings[] =array('message'=> BL::getMessage('InformationModuleIsNotInstalled')); }// fetch the module information$moduleInformation = BackendExtensionsM...
Unable to load dynamic library 'zip.so' on Centos 6.8 useing php7.3 2019-12-11 15:30 − 背景: Centos6.8服务器升级php版本,从7.1升级到7.3,常用扩展都安装完成之后,报:Class 'ZipArchive' not found。一看就是zip扩展没有,需要手动安装了。中间一步步,一会说autoconf版本过低,一会说libzip版本过低,又...
I2CE::raiseMessage("found duplicates so increasing repeats. {$found}"); $duplicate = I2CE_FormFactory::instance()->createContainer("user_alert|". $found); $duplicate->populate(); $duplicate->repeated++;return$duplicate->save($user, $transact); ...
"dotnet new " command is not working , please help. "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" in mscorlib.dll when loading standard .net class library [Avatar picture] How to store avatar picture and link it to Identity [beta8] How to get client IP in controller action? [EF Core] Find an ...
"dotnet new " command is not working , please help. "System.IO.FileNotFoundException" in mscorlib.dll when loading standard .net class library [Avatar picture] How to store avatar picture and link it to Identity [beta8] How to get client IP in controller action? [EF Core] Find an enti...
}// check if this action is allowedif(BackendAuthentication::isAllowedAction('add')) {// add copy button$dataGrid->addColumnAction('copy',null, BL::lbl('Copy'), BackendModel::createURLForAction('add',null,null) .'&id=[translation_id]'.$this->filterQuery,array('class'=>'button icon...
FileNotFoundException" in mscorlib.dll when loading standard .net class library [Avatar picture] How to store avatar picture and link it to Identity [beta8] How to get client IP in controller action? [EF Core] Find an entity with a string field ? [FromBody] Attribute in net core 3 ...
You means that the message did not show on the page and the validation did not pass.If so,you should check the following code:Copy If the validation passed, I suggest that you could share a simple demo to reproduce your issue.Best Regards,RenaEnglish (South Africa) Your Privacy...