# 创建一个新目录来保存项目文件$mkdirmeson_project# 进入项目目录$cdmeson_project# 使用Meson初始化并构建一个新的C/C++项目,会自动生成"meson.build"配置文件和C/C++源文件$ meson init --name meson_project --build# 项目构建完成后,默认的构建目录是build,可以直接运行构建生成的可执行文件$ build/meson_...
This merge request provides the port to the Meson build system. If you don't know Meson : it's a modern build system, thought as a replacement for the old Autotools. It's based on Ninja, a Make "replacement" that's way faster. Its description language is
interpreter: Handle BuildTarget.vala_args as Files in the interpreter Oct 10, 2023 mesonbuild pkgconfig: Fix machine selection for is_build_only Oct 9, 2024 packaging Use SPDX-License-Identifier consistently Dec 14, 2023 test cases Revert "test cases/15 llvm: Skip cmake when llvm == 17.0...
The Meson Build system The Meson Build System
error('unknown uuid build option value: @0@'.format(uuidopt)) endif if not cc.has_header_symbol(uuidheader, uuidfunc, args: test_c_args, include_directories: postgres_inc, dependencies: uuid) error('uuid library @0@ missing required function @1@'.format(uuidopt, uuidfunc)) en...
dbussystemservicedir = libdbus.get_variable(pkgconfig: 'system_bus_services_dir', default_value: dbussystemservicedir) endif endif dbus_interfaces_dir = get_option('dbus-interfaces-dir') if dbus_interfaces_dir == '' or dbus_interfaces_dir == 'yes' if meson.is_cross_build() and ...
] warning('meson build system support for cryptsetup is considered experimental at the moment ') pkgconfig = import('pkgconfig') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') nop_command = find_program('echo') conf = configuration_data() PACKAGE_VERSION = meson.project_version() ...
system = 'linux' cpu_family = 'arm' cpu = 'ArmV7' endian = 'little' [project options]libelf= 'disabled' [binaries] c = 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc' cpp = 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++' ar = 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-ar' ld = 'arm-linux-gnueabihf-ld' ...
if build_machine.system().contains('darwin') global_includes += ['/usr/local/opt/openssl/include'] endif libbson = [] libmongoc = [] if get_option('MOD_SDORM_MONGO') == true libbson = cc.find_library('bson-1.0', dirs: ['/usr/local/lib']) ...
meson c --buildtype release --strip -Db_lto=true -Dprebuilt_server=../scrcpy-server.jar --cross-file cross_file.txt cross_file.txt: [binaries] c =