The Merchant of Venice: Directed by Jack Gold. With John Franklyn-Robbins, John Rhys-Davies, Alan David, John Nettles. A rich merchant, Antonio is depressed for no good reason, until his good friend Bassanio comes to tell him how he's in love with Portia
Native AmericanTextA superior movie version of The Merchant of Venice is one of the best presents the movie...doi:, JosephNative American
Shylock is theantagonistand a tragic character in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. A Jewish merchant living in a Christian city, he comes across as greedy, jealous and vengeful. ... Portia agrees to let Shylock takes a pound of flesh from Antonio, as long as he doesn't spill...
Rooney, DavidVariety
The Merchant of Venice Movie ReviewEbert, Roger