Prince of ARAGON , suitor to Portia Prince of MOROCCO , suitor to Portia SHYLOCK , a Jew of Venice JESSICA , his daughter TUBAL , a Jew, Shylock's friend LANCELET GOBBO , the clown, servant to Shylock and later Bassanio OLD GOBBO , Lancelet's father DUKE of Venice Magnific...
THE MERCHANT OF VENICE 威尼斯商人英文版介绍.doc,THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Key Facts full title??·??The Comical History of the Merchant of Venice, or Otherwise Called the Jew of Venice genre??·?Comedy language??·?English time and place written??·??1598;
Venice is re-peopled with the past, affording truth to the eye, and reflection to the mind. The introduction of the Princes of Morocco and Arragon at Belmont, hitherto omitted, is restored, for the purpose of more strictly adhering to the author’s text, and of heightening the interest ...
BALTHAZAR, STEPHANO, Servants to Portia Magnificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaoler, Servants to Portia, and other Attendants Seecharacters in Shakespeare’s other plays >>
The Merchant of Venice Full Play ACT I SCENE I. Venice. A street. Enter ANTONIO, SALARINO, and SALANIO ANTONIO In sooth, I know not why I am so sad: It wearies me; you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, ...
The Merchant of Venice: Directed by Michael Radford. With Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons, Joseph Fiennes, Lynn Collins. In 16th century Venice, when a merchant must default on a large loan from an abused Jewish moneylender for a friend with romantic ambitions,
Shakespeare Merchant of Venice Essay I have been studying the play The Merchant of Venice written by William Shakespeare. The play genre is drama and it is...
daughter to Shylock Magnificoes of Venice, Officers of the Court of Justice, Gaoler, Servants, and other Attendants 2 更多好书请点击 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE ACT I. 3 更多好书请点击 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE SCENE I. Venice. A street Enter ANTONIO, SALERIO, and SOLANIO ANTONIO. In sooth, I...
Unit 19 The merchant of Venice 说课: unit 19 The merchant of Venice 一 教材分析 Reading 部分是根据莎士比亚的戏剧《威尼斯商人》中的一个片段改编的。该故事情节生动、曲折,语言地道并带有莎翁时代的特色,内容富有深刻的教育意义。戏剧中的人物往往分别代表着“正义”和“非正义”两方。得道者多助,失道者寡助...
高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice说课稿.doc,高二英语Unit19 The Merchant of Venice说课稿 教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“莎士比亚与他的戏剧”;内容涉及“莎士比亚”、“威尼斯商人”、“亨利四世”、“哈姆雷特”、“罗密欧与朱丽叶”、“特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达”