The unsupervised clustering analysis pointed towards de novo grade II tumors being potentially different from secondary grade II that arise from a prior grade I tumor, as specific transcriptome signatures for each subtype were identified with supervised clustering (Additional file1: Figure S2b, Additional...
To explore the potential mechanism by which AURKA confers ferroptosis sensitivity in meningioma, we conducted RNA-seq analysis to compare the transcriptome changes between the control group and the AURKA overexpression (Lv-AURKA) group of IOMM-Lee cells. A total of 1160 upregulated genes and 958 ...
54,55, there is an urgent, unmet need for new therapies to treat patients with high grade or recurrent tumors4,5. We have shown that meningiomas with elevated ADC are at risk for high grade and recurrence45,46, and have identified molecular signatures associated with high ADC values in...
Anaplastic meningioma is a rare and aggressive brain tumor characterised by intractable recurrences and dismal outcomes. Here, we present an integrated analysis of the whole genome, transcriptome and methylation profiles of primary and recurrent anaplast
(subtype 3) based the transcriptome profiles. Loss of chromosome 1q along with Neurofibromin 2 (NF2) mutation or loss of chromosome 22p is exclusively presented in subtype 3 meningioma. DNA methylation analyses of meningioma subtypes also suggested hypermethylation was observed in subtype 3 ...