In this episode of “Snowpiercer” titled “These Are His Revolutions,” the long-awaited revolution finally erupts. Airing on AMC, this gripping episode seesLaytontaking the helm as he leads the lower classes in an armed rebellion. The simmering tensions and conflicts that have been building up...
So what's the secret to Griffith's composure in the face of criticism? Modesty. And exercise. "I don't know if I look that great," she demurred. "[But] I work out a lot. I have a trainer that I [work with] four times a week, and I do hot yoga." More in TODAY Entertainme...
off-again battle with addiction for the past three decades. Admitting she has "an addictive personality," Griffith, 52, once told Australian magazine New Idea four years after her first trip to rehab that she's "lucky to be alive. I was never as bad as some people I knew, shooting hero...