детвас. Будьтожаркоелетоилиморознаязима—следите, чтобынивы, нивашилюдинивчемненуждались. Medieval Dynasty обязательнозаинтересуетвасуникальнымсо...
Historically, the Qarakhanids are thought to be the first Central Asian Islamic dynasty with rulers who had Turkic origins and a court that was run in a Turkic language (Biran2015,2016; Duturaeva2016; Hua2008; Kochnev2006; Paul2001; Pritsak1951,1953; Umnyakov1927). At the end of the 1...
In particular,his relations with King Maximilian I (1486/1493–1519, he was named emperor-elect in 1508) worsened in 1492, and then even more so in 1494, when hisalliance with King Maximilian against the Jagiellonian dynasty (which ruledPoland, Lithuania, Bohemia, and Hungary, at that time)...