Biting of the lips. [cheilo- + G. phagō, to eat] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 cheilophagia A term of waning use for lip biting (literally, lip eating). Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved. cheilophagia (kī″lō-fā′jē-ă...
The general term for this type of cancer is cancer of the oral cavity. Hope this help. Q. What are the symptoms of tongue cancer? I have a white patch on my tongue for quite a while. I tried scratching it off but it...
Micrognathia is a term fora lower jaw that is smaller than normal. Is micrognathia a birth defect? Micrognathia can present asa birth defectin numerous syndromes, including cleft lip, cleft palate, Pierre Robin sequence or syndrome, Stickler's syndrome, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, hemifacial micro...
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 bite A dental term describing the relationship of the teeth of the lower jaw (MANDIBLE) to those of the upper and how they come together (the occlusion). Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 200...
Looking for online definition of cheilitis granulomatosa in the Medical Dictionary? cheilitis granulomatosa explanation free. What is cheilitis granulomatosa? Meaning of cheilitis granulomatosa medical term. What does cheilitis granulomatosa mean?
Response:Dizziness and imbalance are common among US adults and increases the risk of serious injuries. However, research related to balance overwhelmingly focuses on functional outcomes among older adults, therefore our understanding on how balance function may affect the long-term health outcomes in ...
This medical condition occurs when a women experiences abnormal uterine bleeding, which is a broad term that is used to identify any form of blood discharge from their uterus. It occurs in up to twenty-four percent of women between the ages of forty and fifty-five. There are two classificati...
wrongdoing scene, regardless of whether it be in nourishment, biting gum or, more regularly, on the casualty. A typical technique for contrasting nibble marks is with utilizing straightforward overlays to record the gnawing edges of a presumes teeth and contrast them and the wrongdoing scene test...
Status Epilepticus: Emergency Treatment, Initial Investigation and Long-term Treatment 8:06 Status Epilepticus: Stages and Pathophysiology 10:07 Status Epilepticus: Treatment and Types Differential Diagnosis Syncope : brief loss of consciousness and muscle tone with spontaneous recovery. Syncope has numerou...
the mandibles of any animal. The term is usually restricted to the bones surrounding the mouth of vertebrates, the (paired) upper jaws being referred to as the maxillae and the lower as the mandible. These bones carry the teeth where present, and are often used for crushing purposes. ...