The body of the penis consists of three cylindrical-shaped masses of erectile tissue which run the length of the penis. Two of the masses lie alongside each other and end behind the head of the penis. The third mass lies underneath them. This latter mass contains the urethra. The penis te...
COPD is caused by long-term exposure to cigarette smoke, chemicals or fumes at work, air pollution, or other irritants. Over time, exposure to these toxic substances damages the airways and makes them less elastic. The walls between the air sacs are destroyed, making it difficult for the al...
What It Means: Shit-for-Brains. When It's Used: If you wind up in the emergency room because, say, you were trying to launch bottle rockets out of your anus, you can expect to hear this term thrown around. Latin, or pseudo-latin, is often used to convey unflattering terms and make...
The term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which means yoke or union. Traditionally, yoga is a method joining the individual self with the Divine, Universal Spirit, or Cosmic Consciousness. Physical and mental exercises are designed to help achieve this goal, also called self-transcendence or enlig...
Sims positionthe patient lies on the left side with the left thigh slightly flexed and the right thigh acutely flexed on the abdomen; the left arm is behind the body with the body inclined forward, and the right arm is positioned according to the patient's comfort. See illustration. Called...
noun A regional street term for:(1) Marijuana;(2) A large rock of crack cocaine.HistologyThe indurated, calcified vertebrate tissue, which consists of calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and ground substance; bone stores calcium, playing a central role in the body’s calcium balance. Segen's ...
足月分娩term delivery 92 肌理texture n. therapy n. 治疗,疗法 thermal adj. 热的;热量的 体温计thermometer n. 大腿thigh n. 渴感thirst n. 胸腔thorax n. [ ] 威胁threat n. 震颤thrill n. 咽喉throat n. 沙哑的throaty adj. 跳动throb n. 血栓thrombus n. 拇指thumb n. 重击thump n. 甲状腺...
(intramuscularly), into a vein (intravenously), into an artery (intra-arterially), into theSUBARACHNOID SPACEor into a sheath (intrathecally), or into an organ. The term is also sometimes used to refer to the introduction of substances into a body orifice such as theURETHRA, the vagina ...
AS a medical transcriptionist for many years, I HAD typed the term before, just was not familiar with the ravages it can cause and the misunderstanding of friends and family members. Also, I have these grandchildren whom I would die for and my one wish in the whole world is to take ...
Disproportionate size of thigh and calf; Minimal muscle mass upon which to suspend an orthosis. Exceptionally tall or short stature or obesity does not, by itself, establish the medical necessity for custom-made functional knee braces. Exceptionally tall persons can usually be fitted with a prefabri...