Frischmuth, Thermomechanical coupled waves in a nonlinear medium, Wave Motion 34(1) (2001), 131-141.W. Kosinski and K. Frischmuth, Thermomechanical coupled waves in a nonlinear medium, Wave Motion, 34, pp. 131-141, 2001K. Frischmuth, W. Kosin´ski, Thermomechanical coupled waves in ...
1. An assembly for exploring a medium by using mechanical waves, which comprises a plurality of emitters located at the surface or near the surface of the medium to be explored, each of said emitters when being actuated transmitting into the said medium a long continuous oscillatory signal ...
Elastic wavesSpherical symmetryWe theoretically analyze the propagation of outgoing mechanical waves through an infinite isotropic elastic medium possessing spherical symmetry whose Lam茅 coefficients and density are spatial random functions characterized by well-defined statistical parameters. We derive the ...
Buoy signals.-In systems for actuating apparatus by sound or electro-magnetic waves, the receiving-apparatus is arranged to respond to a train of waves of predetermined duration only. The receiving-relay closes the contact E while the impulses are coming in, thus energizing the magnets d, k. ...
The manuscript provides a thorough solution for the propagation of waves in a generalized homogeneous and isotropic thermo-photo-electric semiconductor medium. The main focus lies in the analysis of the two-dimensional (2D) issue in the presence of a magnetic field while adding optoelectronic ...
I. (1968) Propagation of waves in an infinite viscoelastic medium with account for thermomechanical coupling. Int. Appl. Mech. 4: pp. 1-5A. D. Kovalenko, V. G. Karnaukhov, and V. I. Tyuptya, “Propagation of waves in an infinite viscoelastic medium with account for thermomechanical ...
To get complete solutions, several measurements must be taken at the free surface of the medium. As an example of numerical modeling of the important fields, we will use the silicon (Si) material's physicomechanical characteristics. Several comparisons were made using different values of relaxation...
Inhomogeneous plane waves,mechanical energy flux, and energy dissipation in a twophase porous medium[J].ZAMM Angew Math Mech,1998,(09):617-625.Liu Z,Bluhm J,de Boer R.Inhomogeneous plane waves, mechanical energy flux, and energy dissipation in a two-phase porous medium. ZAMM Angew Math ...
In this paper inhomogeneous plane waves, energy flux, and energy dissipation in a liquid-saturated porous medium are investigated. The two-phase porous medium is described by an incompressible porous media model in which the microscopic density of each real material is assumed unchangeable whereas...
Non-local mediumMechanical ramp typePlasma wavesThermal conductivitySiliconPhoto-thermoelasticityIn this work, a novel mechanical-elastic-thermodiffusion (METD) model is studied for the non-local semiconductor material. The interferences between the holes and electrons for the photo-excited medium are ...