Holy One. Of the fifty-six lexical attestations to God's holiness in the Old Testament, many include the name/title of "The Holy One" or "Holy One of Israel, " which occurs thirty-one times in the Old Testament, twenty-five occurrences being in Isaiah. The demand for human holiness ...
The Persians and Hebrews referred to Hellas and the Hellenes by the name of one of their main tribes, namely the Ionians, whom they called יון or Javan (Genesis 10:2, Isaiah 66:19, Ezekiel 27:13, Daniel 8:21), which means mud or mire (Psalm 40:2, 69:2) — and note ...
Prophets often used astronomical language to describe the "de-creation" of empires. This is political language, not "scientific" language. See Isaiah 13:9-10 [Prophesying the fall of Babylon to the Medes in 539 B.C.]; Isaiah 34:4 [prophesying the fall of Edom]; Amos 8:9 [foretelling ...
The Angel Gabriel then explains the miracle of Christ's incarnation. He was born of a virgin, just as the prophecy had predicted in Isaiah 7:14, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." "And ...
Since God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9), sometimes we simply do not understand the specific reasons that we have to go through various trials and problems in this life. Notice also: ...
English name of obscure derivation and meaning, perhaps based on aPersian personal name, though it has also been suggested that it is a contracted form of Isaiah or Zechariah. It has been used as an independent given name in the United States since the 1970s. ...
45.Isaiah 46.Angel 47.Luke 48.Connor 49.Luis 50.Isaac 51.Brian 52.Juan 53.Jackson 54.Eric 55.Mason 56.Adam 57.Evan 58.Carlos 59.Charles 60.Sean 61.Gavin 62.Alex 63.Aidan 64.Bryan 65.Nathaniel 66.Jesus 67.Ian 68.Steven 69.Cole ...
allowed the Satan to test the reality of Job's piety by over-whelming him with disease and misfortunes (2). Throughout the poem Job maintains that he has stood the test (eg.Job 23:10-12). CompareDeuteronomy 8:2,16;Psalms 66:10;Psalms 17:3;Isaiah 48:10;Jeremiah 9:7;Proverbs 17:3...
Holiness again is the exaltedhess of God, His supremacy, which is seen here in the judgment (justice, righteousness) meted out to the disobedient people (compare the recurrent refrain of Isaiah 5:25; 9:12,17,21; 10:4; see JUSTICE). Isaiah 8:13; 29:23 suggest the same idea by the...