SPSS中的单因素方差分析中,各项指标的含义1)Mean:2)、Std.Deviation:3)、Std.Error4)、Confidence Intercal for Mean5)、Lower Bound6)、Upper Bound7)、Minimum8)、Maximum9)、Sum of Squares10)、df:11)、Mean Square12)、F
2)、Std.Deviation: 标准差3)、Std.Error:标准误4)、Confidence Intercal for Mean:均数的可信区间5)、Lower Bound:均数的可信区间的下限6)、Upper Bound:均数的可信区间的上限7)、Minimum:最小值8)、Maximum:最大值9)、Sum of Squares:平方和,离均差平方和,即SS10)、df:degree of freedom,自由度11)、...
SPSS中的单因素方差分析中,各项指标的含义1)Mean:2)、Std.Deviation:3)、Std.Error4)、Confidence Intercal for Mean5)、Lower Bound6)、Upper Bound7)、Minimum8)、Maximum9)、Sum of Squares10)、df:11)、Mean Square12)、F 答案 1)、Mean: 平均数,均数2)、Std.Deviation: 标准差3)、Std.Error:标准误...
在SPSS软件中,直方图的右下角处Std.Dev=563.45Mean=2920.0N=20.00方差图中:Sum of Squares:Between Groups:Within Groups:Total:df:Mean Square:F:Sig:.
In the sense of mean square error and residual sum of squares,we obtain some properties of the combining ridge and principal correlation estimation,and extend the results of [1]. 本文研究了线性模型中的一种有偏估计,利用均方误差和残差平方和,得到了岭型主相关估计的一些性质,是对[1]中相关结果的...
1. sum of squares Total,SST: 各个教材基本上统一为SST 2. sum of squares Model,SSM: 有的教材会缩写为ESS(Explained sum of squares),还有的教材会缩写为SSR(sum of squares regress) 3. sum of squares Residual, SSR: 有的教材会缩写为SSE(sum of squares error) 本期视频统一采用SST(total),SSM(...
spss结果分析ANOVA道德行为总分Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.Between Groups 3.000 1 3.000 11.250 .007Within Groups 2.667 10 .267Total 5.667 11Test of Homogeneity of Variances道德行为总分Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig..000 1 10 1.000我做的是“图画书对儿童道德行为的影响”,图画书分为两类,有...
1回归F值检验的含义Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.Regression 11.881 5 2.376 16.57 .000aResidual 6.165 43 .143 Total 18.046 48 请问这个表能说明什么?特别是F值是16.573能表示什么?本人初学,见笑了!Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.1 Regression 11.881 5 2.376 16.573 .000aResidual 6....
Standard Deviation, also called mean square error, is various data deviation mean value distance mean value, it is after the divided difference sum of squares average root, with sigma expressed.The standard deviation is the variance arithmetic square root.The standard deviation can reflect a data ...
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 血红蛋白值*性别 Between Groups (Combined) 64.526 1 64.526 17.995 .000 Within Groups 136.261 38 3.586 Total 200.787 39 a With fewer than three groups, linearity measures for血红蛋白值*性别cannot be computed. 表7是eta统计量表,η统计量表明因变量和自变量之间...