这个错误是由于mcx的文件进行运行的时候,猜测没有包含mcxlab的函数文件运行,需要将mcxlab相关文件也添加到默认路径下。(2023.6.30补充)使用MATLAB运行程序,可以下载mcx,mcxlab,mmclab这几个文件全部下载然后添加到默认路径。 因为我是用MATLAB进行仿真,因此选择了MCXLAB. 选择要下载的程序 之后会注册收集一些个人的信息...
mcx-lab/mcx-lab.github.ioPublic generated fromHugoBlox/theme-research-group NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 main BranchesTags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit ...
The NXP Application Code Hub provides a complete example of how to use the MCXA-153 microcontroller in a Heart Rate and SPO2 monitor application. This lab will walk through the steps to import, build, program and debug the example. The final section of the lab shows how to use FreeMASTER...
To import the repository, open the MCUXpresso view in VS Code and click Import Repository. NoteClick on Remote Archive, Select a location(c:\nxp\mcx\sdk) to store the SDK, Choose Package, Choose Version, Choose Agree to Import and Import. The repository should be added to the Installed Re...
[-0.5086,-0.1822,-0.8415]; %inward-pointing source cfg.issrcfrom0=1; % time windows cfg.tstart=0; cfg.tend=5e-9; cfg.tstep=5e-10; % other simulation parameters cfg.isspecular=0; cfg.isreflect=1; cfg.autopilot=1; cfg.gpuid=1; %% run MCX simulation [flux]=...
简要描述:MCX固相萃取柱SimplyLab MCX固相萃取柱产品应用:检测食品中的农药和兽药残留;分析生物基质中的碱性药物及其代谢物。固相萃取(Solid-Phase Extraction,简称SPE)是近年发展起来一种样品预处理技术,由液固萃取柱和液相色谱技术相结合发展而来,主要用于样品的分离、纯化和浓缩,与传统的液液萃取法相比较可以提高分析...
If needed, the steps to import an example, build, and debug it are included in Zephyr Lab MCXN947 Hello World. Import the button sample with the following settings: For the board, you can type n947 to filter the board target frdm_mcxn947/mcxn947/cpu0. Be sure this board target ...
Miniature ion source for the MCX-3A mass spectrometer. (USSR): B G Kapralov et al, Zavodsk Lab, 36 (5), 1970, 620–621 - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/0042-207X(71)92654-6No Nukes Asia ForumELSEVIERVacuum
00:00 00:00 4_inLab MC X5 (CH) 2016年9月26日发布 03:47 4_inLab MC X5 (CH)