hemoglobinsaleallabovel10g,Landtoexploreitsindicationrohonirondeficiencyandirondeficiencyanemia(IDA). Methods Toderiverandomlythebloodresultsof917childrenagedo_12.HGB≥110fromLISsystemfromJanuary of2012tojuneof2013,divideinto8agegroupsandanalyzethechangeinMCVofallages,learningitsrelationshipwith ...
Conclusion: The hemoglobin levels were significantly lower in the case group compared to the control group. The present study concluded anemia as a risk factor for febrile seizures and emphasizes the importance of prevention and timely intervention and management of Iron deficiency anemia in children ...
outirondeficiencyanemiashouldbedetectedforhemoglobinelectrophoresis. 【Keywords】 meancorpuscularvolume; redbloodcellvolumedistributionwidth; thalassemia; pregnant women 珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血(又称地中海贫血,简称地贫)是国 内南方地区常见遗传病,表现为小细胞低色素性贫血。基因序 ...
平均红细胞体积 红细胞分布宽度 贫血 缺铁性 隐性缺铁 【Abstract】 Objective To study the significance of values of the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and red cell distribution width (RDW) in the diagnosis of latent iron deficiency (LID) and iron deficiency anemia (IDA).Methods The values of Hb...
outirondeficiencyanemiashouldbedetectedforhemoglobinelectrophoresis.women diate β‐T halweresignificantdifferentwithhealthypregnantwomen(P<0.05).Conclusion MCVandRDWcouldbeusedasscreeningindicatorsofThal.PregnantwomenwithincreasedRDWlevel,decreasedMCVlevelandwith‐【Keywords】 meancorpuscularvolume; redbloodcellvolume...
While the term 'anemia' or 'anaemia' by itself is a well known condition that usually means too few red blood cells, low iron, or too little hemoglobin; microcytic and macrocytic anemia mean something different. Macrocytic Anemia or Macrocytosis ...
What hematocrit level is critical? What is a low hemoglobin count number? Why are platelets elevated in iron deficiency anemia? What does abnormal platelets mean? What is considered a high platelet count? Can you have high hemoglobin and low iron? What does increased platelet count mean? What ...
Kemawlkasit,S. Rangsiakul.S. Jayabose,A. Laurel,C. Yogananda,P. Kemawlkasit.S. Jayabose,A. Laurel,C. Yogananda.S. Jayabose,A. Laurel.S. Jayabose.DIFFERENTIATION OF BETA THALASSEMIA MINOR (TM) FROM IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA (IDA) BY A NEW INDEX–MCV/RBC X RDW,1990...
Introduction: Due to the prevalence of beta thalassemia and iron deficiency anemia in Irana need for an accurate, quick, inexpensive and simple method for differential diagnosis between these two disorders is felt. In this study the value of zpp measurement as a tool to distinguish iron ...