接下来就跟着Stephanie老师一起看看西悉尼大学今天的主角-MBA工商管理硕士专业的信息 专业:Master of Business Administration -工商管理硕士 课程长度:1-2 年 开学时间:2月,7月 学费:AUD$ 31,720左右/2020年(相比还是很便宜的) 入学要求:学士学位,不需要专业背景,也不需要工作经验 英语要求:雅思总分6.5,单项6.0 ...
90 韦仕敦大学毅伟商学院 Western University: Ivey 加拿大 91 都柏林大学Smurfit商学院 University College Dublin: Smurfit 爱尔兰 92 爱丁堡大学商学院 University of Edinburgh Business School 英国 93 美国东北大学商学院 Northeastern University: D'Amore-McKim 美国 94 巴塞罗那高级管理学院 Eada Business School ...
University of New South Wales (Australian Graduate School of Management) Situated in Sydney, this School has been at the top consistently for its MBA courses and is ranked as one of the top 100 MBA programs, as ranked by the Financial Times (UK). ...
以下是一些主要大学的学费信息: University of Melbourne - $85,470 University of Sydney - $85,000 Monash University - $74,000 University of New South Wales - $75,000 Australian National University - $74,880 University of Queensland - $70,080 University of Western Australia - $66,600 Universit...
1、墨尔本大学The University of Melbourne 商科和理科学费:约36000澳元/学年 RMB:约180000元/学年 2、澳大利亚国立大学The Australian National University 商科和工程学费:约34000澳元/学年 RMB:170000元/学年 3、悉尼大学The University of Sydney 学费:36000-38000澳元/学年 RMB:180000-190000元/学年 ...
Western Sydney University The MBA program offered by Western Sydney University is an excellent choice for individuals seeking a combination of high-quality education and affordability. With its reputation for academic excellence and its commitment to providing accessible education, the university offers a ...
西雪梨大學Western Sydney University 西雪梨大學的MBA學位提供一系列獨特專業,包括創新與創業、物流與供應鏈管理、人力資源管理、房地產、管理、永續發展商業、金融與投資、行銷、資訊與通信技術以及商業分析。 與澳洲各大企業有緊密合作關係,如 PWC、Linfox、Deloitt、CNHI、 Morningstar等。學生將把課程所學習的知識與...
Michigan State University中国传媒大学中央财经大学 Western University对外经济贸易大学北京邮电大学 Drexel ...
Western University The MBA Program of Western University has been named No. 1 in Canada and appeals to students who want to advance their careers with the support of a large alumni network and top career management staff. This MBA program helps students prepare for their long-term career and ...
The University of Western Australia - UWA Business School Australia 19.MBA Human Resource Management University of Technology Sydney - UTS Business School New Zealand 20.Master of Management Studies in Human Resource Management University of Waikato - W...