Embrace every unexpected turn with the Mazda CX-30. Feel confident and empowered behind the wheel with and features like standard i-Activ AWD®.
The CX-30 is good looking in the metal (the electric MX-30 by contrast looks like it's been worn smooth in the sea before someone found it) with just the right level of pseudo-4x4 plastic cladding and styling creases, though it can be alittleanonymous. Easy to lose it in a car par...
马自达CX-30 2022款2.0L 自动耀悦版本,搭载型号为PE的2.0L自然吸气发动机,动力输出158马力、202牛.米的扭矩,变速箱匹配6挡手自一体,车速zui快202km/h、NEDC综合油耗6.1L/100km、油箱容积51L。 底盘布局,前麦弗逊式独立悬挂,后纵臂扭转梁式非独立悬挂,前置前驱。整备质量1442kg、满载质量1896kg。 马自达CX-30整车...
Mazda is aiming to become an entry-level luxury brand, and the 2025 CX-30 has shown that goal is within reach. Among subcompact crossovers, its upscale styling and interior quality are hard to beat. Thankfully, this luxury-adjacent direction doesn't come at the expense of one of Mazda's...
MAZDA CX-30日式极简美学主义邀您驾驭人生 发布于2024.1.29 13:27 次播放 元通瑞达薇薇 关注3人2.7万粉丝 关注 评论·0 提交评论 暂无更多评论 热门视频 推荐:Learn to ForgiveChasin' dreams, Chasin' meDamnThrow up Your CityPickyA Minha Mãe É Uma JóiaSou PequeninoÉ a MãeUm Lugar Quente E...
马自达 CX-30 Skyactiv-G 2.0L 自然进气引擎配上 6 速自排变速箱,以及前轮驱动的单一配置,动力...
CX-30不仅有MAZDA独创的SEB蝶形仿生后悬结构,还搭载升级版创驰蓝天SKYACTIV-G 2.0L缸内直喷发动机,拥有13:1的超高压缩比、全新凹顶活塞设计、燃料精混三段式高压直喷、分层燃烧控制等高新技术,燃烧更充分,动力输出更加强劲,且消耗更低、排放更清洁,再加上一如既往的优秀调校,助力长安马自达CX-30达到“人马...
MAZDA CX-30内饰有知性的蓝黑、格调的棕黑两种高级颜色的内饰运用,多种越级质感选择。提供黑色和白色座椅两种选择,打破中小型车型无高级配色的市场空白。 MAZDA CX-30有M型理想空间布局,达到紧凑型SUV的左右席臀点宽度(740mm),搭配同级别少有的超宽扶手箱,通透的前后排驾乘空间,大幅提高的后排乘员的视界,提高乘坐...