Mallik, "Colour constancy using sub-blocks of the image," 2016 International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES), Krakow, pp. 113-117, 2016.M. A. Hussain and A. S. Akbari, "Max-RGB Based Colour Constancy Using the Sub-blocks of the Image," 2016 9th International...
因此 ,首先将 图像从 RGB空 过曝光校正 问题[1。 。色彩的 3个基本属性是亮 间线性地映射到YCC 空间,此后的讨论和计算都 度、色调和饱和度[1,因此在亮色分离 的色彩空 间 在yCC 空间中进行 。 进行饱和校正更符合人眼主观感受。YCC 色彩空 1.2.1 单通道饱和颜色校正 当图像传感器 的 1 间不是独立的...
The second avenue of investigation is to add some simple preprocessing to the basic MaxRGB algorithm. By removing clipped pixels followed by median filtering, MaxRGB also performs better than previously reported when tested on test images of common color constancy test sets, specifically the Simon ...
These results demonstrate that MaxRGB is far more effective than it has been reputed to be so long as it is applied to image data that encodes the full dynamic range of the original scene.Funt, BrianShi, LilongB. Funt and L. Shi, "The rehabilitation of maxrgb," in Color and Imaging ...
The rescaling operation is particularly important when working with images represented in the RGB color space, where pixel values can range from 0 to 255 for each color channel. Normalization: Pixel values are normalized to a common range, such as [0, 1] through rescaling, to improve ...