The technique of saving heat and redistributing it is called “heat recovery.” A few modern buildings recover heat, but the University's system is the first to recover heat from some buildings and reuse it in others.Along the way, pit has learned a great deal about some of its heat ...
addendum, supplement, postscript - textual matter that is added onto a publication; usually at the end recitation - written matter that is recited from memory Verb 1.matter - have weight; have import, carry weight; "It does not matter much" ...
Descriptivism, on the other hand, gives us insight into how our minds work and the instinctive ways in which we structure our view of the world. 另一方面,描写主义会让我们看到自己的想法如何运作,以及如何本能地构建自己的世界观。 Ultimately, gra...
I get an error like this: CHIP: [BLE] BLE:Error writing Characteristics in Chip service on the device: [The specified UUID is not allowed for this operation.] According to the error message, I guess that the characteristics of a certain Bluetooth cannot be read and written. After trying ...
that determines how one atom interacts with another. The key shell is the outermost one, called thevalenceshell. If this outermost shell is complete, or filled with the maximum number of electrons for that shell, the atom is stable, with little or no tendency to interact with other atoms. ...
solar masses. on the other hand, [ 10 ] found by a radiation hydrodynamics simulation of early galaxy formation that massive black holes may form in rapidly growing pre-galactic gas clouds. more precisely, the idea brought forward there is that bright ultraviolet light emitted during star ...
PhysicistDavid Bohm, — whoAlbert Einsteincalled “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis—being top secret and classified— was awarded at theUniversity of California at Berkeleyby none other thanRobert Oppenheimer, tells us that our physical reality is a holographic projection of the "imp...
Original Matter is uncaused, eternal, all-pervading, one, independent, self-complete, and has no distinguishable parts; the things that emerge out of this primitive matrix are, on the other hand, caused, noneternal, limited, many, dependent, wholes composed of parts, and manifested. But Matte...
In Murray Leinster's The Wailing Asteroid they are called "matter transposers", in Walt Richmond and Leigh Richmond's The Lost Millennium they are just "transposers." But are they possible? Maybe. They are certainly unobtainium, verging on handwavium. And do read the Future War Stories ...
R. is at Oyster Bay. I say us; but I mean me. Everybody for four nations, two oceans, one bay and isthmus, and five archipelagoes around had heard of Judson Tate. Gentleman adventurer, they called me. I had been written up in five columns of the yellow journals, 40,000 words (...