on the host (CPU-memory) or device (GPU-memory) • Tensors can be column-major or row-major (1-dimensional tensors are, by convention, row-major) • The library defines many functions which may or may not apply to all possible combinations. Variations are easy to add. • For ...
A flexible Matrix library for Objective-C and Swift, that interfaces BLAS, LAPACK and vDSP functions via the Accelerate Framework. YCMatrix is available for MacOS (10.7+), as well as iOS (8.0+). Getting started Import the project in your workspace, or open the framework project in XCode, ...
Proposed designs to update the homepage for logged-in users Related 0 Compilation error using Eigen library 2 Eigen assertion error at compile time, unclear error 0 Eigen MatrixBase template function 2 C++ Eigen: 'Options' : is not a member of 'Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>'...
matrix libraryC++finite element methodThis paper presents a matrix鈥搗ector computational library written in the C++ language. Effective matrix鈥搗ector manipulation is an essential aspect of scientific numerical modeling, especially while using the finite element method. Even though there are a lot of...
Vendor Library/Drive Model Protocol Cisco MDS 9xxx Cisco Nexus 7xxx Cisco Nexus 5xxx Oracle/STK SL3000(Library) FC Yes — Yes SL500 (Library) Yes — Yes SL150(Library) Yes — Yes L700(Library) Yes — Yes L180(Library) Yes — Yes VTLplus Yes — Yes STK-9840-C Yes —...
The paper discusses the Matrix Template Library, a generic component library for scientific computing. Although MTL consists of a relatively small number of software components, its power and utility arise from the composability of the components and the generic nature of the algorithms. That is, th...
We review the dimensional check problem of the high-level programming languages, discuss the existing solutions, and come up with a new solution suited for scientific and engineering computations. Then, we introduce Univec, our C++ library designed to make scalar, vector, and matrix operations using...
Visual C++下强大的科学运算函数库Matrix_LIB
SCIF实现包含两个部分:用户态的接口函数(User mode library)和内核态的接口函数(Kernel Mode library),两者接口相似的函数一共有19个,主要实现部分为基于driver、library做封装。上层软件全部基于用户态的接口函数实现。因此实际上用户在利用SCIF进行通信优化的时候只需要调用用户态的接口函数。SCIF的通信过程是指信息的传...
MediaLibrary MediaPlayer MediaToolbox 金屬 MetalKit MetalPerformanceShaders MobileCoreServices ModelIO MultipeerConnectivity NaturalLanguage 網路 NetworkExtension NotificationCenter ObjCRuntime Opengl OpenTK PdfKit 照片 PhotosUI PrintCore QTKit 擷取者 QuickLook QuickLookUI SafariServices SceneKit ScriptingBridge Se...